
Why it's time to embrace the slow beauty trend

In a fast-paced world where beauty trends come and go and TikTok beauty tips become our guilty pleasure, it can be easy to get caught up in the latest trend. In this rush, we often overlook what's inside our shiny packages and the routes that got them to our shelves. Enter, the slow beauty movement.

What is slow beauty?

Slow Beauty is more than just a trend. It's a holistic approach to skin care that encourages us to slow down, develop self-care, and take the time to evaluate how our beauty products impact the planet and people. We invite you to learn more about the journey of the products you use to better understand what you are putting on your skin.

You've probably seen other beauty brands embracing the slow beauty trend that puts nature at the center. Some brands offer refill services to minimize waste and promote circularity, while others offer dedicated in-store recycling to encourage customers to reduce, reuse and recycle.

And then there's Jurlique, a brand at the forefront of the slow-living beauty movement, whose products go from “seed to skin.” Their botanical skincare ingredients are grown on a biodynamic farm in the lush Adelaide Hills using sustainable planting and harvesting techniques.

What is biodynamic farming?

Biodynamic farming is a type of agricultural practice that follows a calendar based on the cycles and rotation of the earth, sun, moon and stars.

The practice requires a farm to be completely self-sufficient, bringing plants and soil together through living, conscious relationships in a way that supports and balances each other. As Jurlique puts it, this ensures that the purest, best quality herbs are harvested in their prime to get the most out of each ingredient. Although biodynamic farming is a relatively old practice, it is a nod to the future and a form of regeneration to give back to our precious environment.

Innovation inspired by sustainability

This commitment to quality, innovation and nature has translated into Jurlique's latest and greatest new Herbal Recovery range. Enriched with pure, farm-grown botanicals such as holy basil, orris root, echinacea and black elderflower to energize and protect skin from environmental aggressors that can cause premature skin damage. Achieve hydration, glowing skin and restful sleep with the confidence that products come from a place that respects the planet.

Our top tips? Well, the Herbal Recovery Bi Phase Serum, a natural, dewy glow in a bottle, provides a more even complexion and improves skin's radiance – a win-win! The Herbal Recovery Eye Cream is your new everyday favorite – fresh, firmer and energized skin thanks to an array of roses, marigold, marshmallow and lavender. For intense hydration and a brighter glow, we can't go past the Herbal Recovery Face Oil, enriched with vitamins E, C and tomato fruit extract – your skin is in good hands!

Your beauty routine has the power to change the world

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is important to make decisions that are good for us and Mother Nature. So next time you're looking for a new serum or moisturizer, think about the journey it took you to get your product. The choices you make go beyond just investing in your shine. You have the power to contribute to a better planet and a better future.

Are you ready to start your new skincare journey? Click here to browse the Herbal Recovery range today.