
9-year-old girl deadlifts 165 pounds in wild video

Human interest

She put the “she” in “Hercules.”

Nine-year-old Indian weightlifter Arshia Goswami proved that strong things can come in small packages after deadlifting 165 pounds, as seen in an Instagram video with 48 million views.

“The youngest and strongest Indian,” the small but powerful boy wrote in the caption of the impressive clip.

At just under 10 years old, the weightlifter from Panchkula has captivated the world with her many incredible feats of strength, which she regularly posts to her more than 735,000 followers on Instagram.

Goswami often shares her feats of strength with her over 735,000 followers on Instagram. Instagram / @fit_arshia
Goswami started weightlifting during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Instagram / @fit_arshia

For her latest age-defying stunt, the pint-sized titan decided to deadlift 165 pounds – three times her 55-pound weight. Her previous personal best was 132 pounds, which she achieved when she was just 8 years old, setting an Asian record.

The exciting clip shows Goswami wearing a lifting belt as she prepares to lift a barbell loaded with colorful weights that tip the scales.

The diminutive powerlifter grunts and then lifts the massive payload to her waist before dropping it again with a thunderous thud and strutting triumphantly off the mat.

Instagram commenters were amazed at Goswami's herculean effort, which seemingly belied her size like an ant lifting a comparatively huge object.

Goswami's total deadlift was three times her body weight. Instagram / @fit_arshia

“Wow. It took me years as a teenager to even attempt this weight. Crazy respect,” one viewer exclaimed about her flex plot.

Another wrote: “Easy 25kg [55 pounds] more than my PR. And I’m 42. That’s incredibly impressive!”

“I'd like to see all the tough guys in the comments deadlifting three times their weight,” challenged another, in response to haters in the comments section who disapproved of her feat.

Goswami is setting new standards in weightlifting for youth. Instagram / @fit_arshia

Goswami's powerlifting pilgrimage began in 2021 when she set the record for the youngest female deadlifter in the country by lifting nearly 100 pounds as recorded in the India Book of Records.

Since then, she has taken the world of weightlifting by storm, winning multiple competitions and even being sponsored by MuscleBlaze and Jerai Fitness – two of India's most popular fitness brands.

“I don't know how she does it. Is it genetic or maybe she has a rare gift?” Her proud father Avnish Goswami told Sportstar.

He hopes that one day his pride and joy will compete in the Olympics.

Goswami's powerlifting pilgrimage began in 2021 when the then 6-year-old set the record for the youngest deadlifter in the country by lifting almost 100 pounds. Instagram / @fit_arshia

Arshia is certainly impressive, but he's not the only super-strong young player on the world stage.

In 2022, nine-year-old Canadian Aurora van Ulft, better known as Rory van Ulft, deadlifted 244 pounds, which is more than three times her body weight.

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