
Ukraine-Russia war live: Kiev thwarts latest drone and missile attacks by Putin's forces as Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant strikes again

Russian attack through Avdiivka, detailed on the timeline map

Kiev shot down dozens of Vladimir Putin's drones and two guided missiles as Ukraine was accused of attacking a Russian-controlled nuclear power plant.

The Ukrainian Air Force claimed 14 of 17 attack drones launched from Moscow were shot down and two of several guided missiles targeting Odessa and Mykolaiv were destroyed.

The attack damaged the energy infrastructure in Mykolaiv and disrupted power supply for several hours. According to the military, there were no fatalities in the attacks.

Officials at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine accused Kiev of another drone attack after an unmanned aerial vehicle allegedly fell onto the roof of its training center.

Kiev has denied being behind a series of attacks on Europe's largest nuclear power plant in recent days, prompting the International Atomic Energy Agency to raise alarm over nuclear security.

Meanwhile, Ukraine announced that it is developing “unstoppable” AI-powered drones to create an image recognition targeting system for hunting targets.


David Cameron was absolutely right when he called in on Donald Trump

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 12:53 p.m


Ukraine and Great Britain sign agreements on cooperation in defense production

Ukraine and Britain have signed a framework agreement for cooperation in the defense and arms production sectors, officials in Kyiv said. This is part of the war effort to build Ukraine's domestic weapons industry through cooperation with allies.

The document was signed at a military industry conference in Kiev, attended by around 30 British defense companies to discuss possible joint ventures with Ukrainian arms and defense manufacturers.

“It is the first intergovernmental cooperation agreement,” Oleksandr Kamyshin, Ukraine’s minister for strategic industries, told reporters after the signing ceremony.

“Today, British companies are working with Ukrainian companies and looking for ways to produce more weapons together.”

Greg Hands, Britain's trade policy secretary, said he hoped the deal would bring Ukraine gains on the battlefield and also benefit its struggling economy in the longer term.

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 12:33 p.m


Watch Cameron and Blinken hold a joint press conference in Washington DC

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 11:53 am


Ukraine denies Russia's claim that it carried out drone strikes on a major nuclear power plant

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 10:45 am


According to the Air Force, Kiev shoots down 14 of 17 Russian drones

Kiev shot down dozens of Putin's drones and two guided missiles as Ukraine was accused of attacking a Russian-controlled nuclear power plant.

The Ukrainian Air Force claimed 14 of 17 attack drones launched from Moscow were shot down and two of several guided missiles targeting Odessa and Mykolaiv were destroyed.

The attack damaged the energy infrastructure in Mykolaiv and disrupted power supply for several hours. According to the military, there were no fatalities in the attacks.

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 10:42 am


David Cameron says Ukraine can win the war if it is equipped with “what it needs”.

David Cameron says it is possible for Ukraine to win the war if it is armed with “what it needs”.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine could win the war against Russia “if we give the Ukrainians what they need” in the form of supplies, troops and help from foreign allies such as Britain and the United States. In his speech, David Cameron stated that Ukraine, with the support of the United Kingdom and the United States, managed to sink 25% of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Cameron continued to reiterate his belief that alliances like this are most important in times of danger to international affairs. David Cameron said he looked forward to continuing talks with the US Congress on supporting Ukrainian forces to end Putin's aggression.

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 10:01 am


A major war in Europe is “no longer a fantasy,” warns the EU’s top diplomat

A major war in Europe is “no longer a fantasy” and the continent should prepare for war with Russia, the EU’s top diplomat has warned.

“Russia is threatening Europe,” both through its ongoing war in Ukraine and through hybrid attacks on EU member states, Josep Borrell said.

“There is no doubt that war is looming all around us,” Mr Borrell said. “A high-intensity, conventional war in Europe is no longer a fantasy.”

Josep Borrell warned that a major war in Europe was “no longer a fantasy” (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 9:56 am


UN warns of “reckless” drone attacks on Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

Alexander ButlerApril 10, 2024 09:46


Zelensky invites Trump to Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky invited US presidential candidate Donald Trump to Ukraine and said he was open to his proposal to end the war.

However, the Ukrainian president expressed skepticism about proposals to hand over the captured region to Russia, saying such a deal would pave the way for further Russian conquests in the future.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky looks on during a joint press conference with the President of Finland after their meeting in Kiev on April 3, 2024, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine (AFP via Getty Images)

“If the deal is that we simply give up our territories, and that is the idea behind it, then that is a very primitive idea,” Mr. Zelensky said The Politico.

“I need very strong arguments. I don’t need a fantastic idea, I need a real idea because people’s lives are at stake.”

Namita SinghApril 10, 2024 7:04 am


There is a rare protest by Russians after a dam burst and houses were flooded near the Kazakh border

Russians in the city of Orsk gathered for a rare protest on Monday, demanding compensation after the collapse of a dam and subsequent flooding in the Orenburg region near the border with Kazakhstan.

Protests are an unusual sight in Russia, where authorities are cracking down on any form of dissent following President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Hundreds of people gathered outside the administration building in Orsk on Monday, Russian state news agency Tass said, while videos shared on Russian social media channels showed people shouting “Putin, help us” and “shame.”

Barney DavisApril 10, 2024 7:00 am