
Rebecca St. James is blown away by a new film about her family

Published: April 10, 2024

Photo from King + Country's Instagram

Rebecca St. James “Blown Away” from UNSUNG HERO, new film about her family

By Movieguide® staff

Rebecca St. James recently shared how she saw her family's story on the big screen and realized her dream as a wife and mother.

“I am so proud of the film. I think it went so well,” St. James said said on the Candace Cameron Bure podcast.

She was particularly impressed by Daisy Betts, who portrays her mother Helen Smallbone, who the singer describes as “kind of a legend” and one of her “closest friends”.

“But Daisy just embodied Mom’s essence so well, and it was this combination of strength and vulnerability because she wasn’t just that strong. There was also vulnerability, and that shows both,” she says said.

“She just has a very sincere relationship with Jesus, the sincere prayer life, the sincere desire to love well, especially when it comes to her family, like a fierce kind of mother's heart that loves her family and … sees a wife and being a mother.” as a high calling; I mean, she would say, the highest calling,” she said added.

The UNSUNG HERO recap will be released on April 26th. reads:

When David Smallbone's successful music business collapses, he moves his family from Australia to the United States in search of a better future. With nothing more than their six children, their suitcases and their love of music, David (for KING + COUNTRY's Joel Smallbone) and his pregnant wife Helen (Daisy Betts) set out to rebuild their lives from the ground up. Based on a remarkable true story, a mother's faith stands up against all odds; and inspires her husband and children to hold on to theirs.”

The film tells of the miracles of divine provision as they begin their new lives in America.

“But there's so much that's so challenging and so rich, and then the miracles that we've seen and the answers to prayers and, you know, food on our doorstep and in the furniture that comes to our house , and I think God provides in such a special case.” Ways for our family. It was true too, but I saw the film and was blown away,” she said told Bure, who serves as one of the film's executive producers.

The Christian drama, co-directed and co-written by St. James' brother Joel Smallbone of For King + Country fame, has moments of comic relief that Rebecca appreciates.

“I love hearing the audience laugh because it really is this mix of drama and then there are comedy moments that lighten up these challenges,” says St. James called back. “But it’s a very special film and I just pray that God uses it powerfully.”

Although she doesn't want to give anything away, she also remembers one of the most touching scenes towards the end of the film, which shows her and her mother on stage.

“Very few people get the opportunity to see their counterparts as they were when they were young,” said the 46-year-old. “It's just an incredibly mind-blowing moment that I had. And then I turned to my mom and said, 'That was hundreds and hundreds of times for us, like we prayed before we went on stage or had a conversation before we went on stage.'”

She says her mother Helen's dedication as a wife and mother was a big reason she wanted to be a wife and mother too.

“What she did and gave so much to her family by being a wife and mother and putting her whole heart into being a great wife and mother, [and] was my dream and is my dream. And yes, she is a big inspiration,” she says said.

St. James married musician and missionary Jacob Fink at the age of 33, with whom she has three children: Gemma (10), Imogen (5) and River (3). She says that after the long wait before getting married and starting a family, she calls it a “privilege” that she doesn't take for granted and tries to include family in every project she works on.

“You know about the music I make or writing books or podcasting or any of that. We do it as often as we can as a family. It’s just a family adventure,” St. James said said.

Speaking of family adventures, St. James and all six of her siblings appear in the film UNSUNG HERO, with brother Joel portraying their father David, which could be a daunting task but one Joel says he was prepared for.

“It wasn't a long bridge to cross to get to the emotion of what was happening during that time,” Smallbone said told The Tennessean. “I remember the first day, Josh Walsh, Luke's other producer, came up to us and literally said, 'We're not going to die!' You can act!'”

His father was also impressed by his performance.

“It's hard to be objective about yourself, but I think he portrayed me pretty well in terms of my human side,” David said. “I feel like the film gave him a better understanding of me.”

Movieguide® before reported on how Bure became one of the producers of the upcoming film:

“The film is truly amazing, it really is,” Bure added. “I've obviously seen it a few times now and I'm so proud of it. I spoke to Joel and Luke about the project before and they said, “Hey, we'd like to send you this and see if you want to work on it.” And it's always a little scary when it comes to friends, because you think : “Oh man, if I don’t like this, it’s kind of awkward.”

“They sent me the script and I read it without any expectations. I just wanted to read it with fresh eyes and see if it was, you know – give them my honest opinion and if it was good or bad and if it was something I wanted to be a part of,” Bure continued. “Man, I devoured the script. I really did. I devoured it and thought, “Yes.” Yes, you have to do this. Yes, I would love to be a part of it, whether as a producer – and then it was like, well, there's an acting role, so I thought, yeah, a bonus.”

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Now more than ever we are bombarded by darkness in the media, films and television. Movieguide® has been fighting and working in Hollywood to spread uplifting and positive content for almost 40 years. We're proud to say we've worked with some of the industry's top players to influence and redeem entertainment for Jesus. Yet you are the most influential person in Hollywood. The Observer.

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