
A new BLAIR WITCH film is on the way via Blumhouse & Lionsgate

The Blair Witch is back!

CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Nevada is in full swing, and you know what that means: all of Hollywood's biggest studios are unveiling their upcoming plans, showing new trailers and announcing all-new projects… and the folks at Blumhouse and Lionsgate have just made an important announcement.

Says damn disgusting:

“25 years after the release of the original genre-bending classic, Lionsgate and Blumhouse announced today at CinemaCon that they will collaborate on the development and production of a new film The Blair Witch Project “The film marks the first film in a multi-film package in which Blumhouse reimagines horror classics from the Lionsgate library.”

Yes, that Blair Witch Franchise is coming back! The last time we heard from this crazy, walker-slaughtering woman was with Adam Wingard in 2016 Blair Witch. Despite grossing over $45 million worldwide on a relatively meager production budget of $5 million, this installment of the series didn't exactly bring the franchise back to life. Maybe this will be the case.

Lionsgate's Adam Fogelson had this to say:

“I have been incredibly fortunate to have worked with Jason many times over the years. We have built a strong relationship The purge when I was at Universal and we started STX with his film The gift. There is no one who masters this genre better than the team at Blumhouse. We are excited to begin this partnership with a new vision Blair Witch this will reintroduce this horror classic for a new generation. We couldn’t be happier to work with them on this and other projects we plan to unveil soon.”

Adds Jason Blum of Blumhouse:

“I am very grateful to Adam and the team at Lionsgate for allowing us to play in their sandbox. I am a great admirer of The Blair Witch Project, which brought the idea of ​​found footage horror to mainstream audiences and became a true cultural phenomenon. I don't think there would have been one Paranormal activity If there hadn't been one first Blair WitchSo this feels like a really special opportunity and I’m excited to see where it goes.”

From all this it should be emphasized that this is a “reinterpretation” of the original Blair Witch Project, the first of several such reimaginings of horror titles from the Lionsgate library. That could mean pretty much anything, which is pretty exciting. We've seen this franchise twisted and distorted in various directions over the years (some more successfully than others), and it will be interesting to see how a completely reimagined version of the original arrives in 2025 (or whenever it comes ) will look like ).

Exciting stuff for Blair Witch Fans! There is nothing further to report on this at the moment, but rest assured, we will keep you posted as further updates become available. Stay tuned, folks!