
A new Blair Witch film is in the works

The Blair Witch lives again, in a new film being developed by Lionsgate and Blumhouse.

This will be the third official entry in the series, which began with a groundbreaking 1999 indie horror film directed by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez. The film was intended to look like a legitimate documentary lost and found. The Blair Witch ProjectThe film's incredible financial success – it remains one of the most profitable films in history – helped spark a wave of “found footage” horror films.

The second film in the series, 2000s Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2Was not It was a found footage film for most of its run, and it was not a success at the box office. (It's since developed a cult following of its own.) The last time someone tried to revive the franchise, no one knew the movie was even running until it hit theaters. What was the final name? Blair Witch was originally announced as a completely standalone horror film titled The forestfrom the future Godzilla x Kong Director Adam Wingard. It wasn't until the film's first showings that people learned the truth: Wingard had secretly made another one Blair Witch Consequence. (One of his characters was reportedly the brother of Heather, the original film's main character.)

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Blair Witch did it better than Book of Shadowsbut received fairly negative reviews and only earned about a fifth of what the first film earned Blair Witch Project played in cinemas.

There are no details yet about exactly what form it is Blair Witch will, or how (or if) it will be directly linked to one of the previous films. The first trilogy follows the legend of a witch who supposedly haunted the residents of Burkittsville, Maryland, hundreds of years ago. What was actually sold The Blair Witch ProjectMore than the premise was the sophisticated marketing campaign that presented the film as authentic and convinced many potential customers of its legitimacy.

A big part of the trick was the airing of “Sci-Fi Channel.” another fake documentary called Curse of the Blair Witchwhich also presents TBWP as authentic and added to the mythology surrounding the film. The Blair Witch Project was also one of the first films to make clever use of the Internet and its own official website, which contained further “evidence” of the film's characters' alleged disappearances.

This makes you wonder: What does new mean in our world of increasingly permeable online truth? Blair Witch look? We'll find out soon…

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Gallery photo credit: Emma Stefansky