
“It’s important to recognize a fad or trend” WGSN on TikTok-based beauty NPD

As TikTok continues to drive beauty trends, the social media app is becoming harder to ignore when it comes to cosmetic NPD. However, due to the rapidly changing consumer needs created by these viral fads, it can also create something of a “rabbit hole” for beauty and personal care brands.

Carla Buzasi, CEO of trend forecasting firm WGSN, emphasized that in the increasingly saturated beauty industry, brands cannot afford to make costly NPD mistakes based on this week's current trends.

“In the highly competitive beauty market, it is important to recognize a fad and a trend,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mirela Dufrayer, Brand & Content Marketing Manager at WGSN, also pointed out all the sustainability issues that come with a “fast-beauty” attitude towards NPD and the potential creation of overstock.

“Knowing which trend to invest in and when means brands can reduce their carbon footprint and create long-lasting products,” she said.

In response to this growing industry problem, WGSN just launched a TikTok analytics tool designed to give beauty brands a forecast of the “trends to invest in and the ones to ignore.”

According to the forecasting firm, beauty trends “don't just come out of nowhere — nor are they as 'fast' as people assume.”

The proprietary technology combines data analytics, expert insights and the company's signature STEPIC model to ensure beauty brands highlight only the most important trends.

It works by analyzing the health, strength and stability of a TikTok trend in the context of macro forecasting to predict the lifespan of a trend and therefore anticipate what comes next, which can help brands avoid “shorter-term” risks in a more reactive way Approach.”