
The death of Johnstone serial killer Peter Tobin is to be the subject of an investigation

An inquest has been launched into the death of Johnstone murderer Peter Tobin.

The serial killer died on October 8, 2022 at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary (ERI).

He had been an inmate at HMP Edinburgh and had served three life sentences for the murders of three women and girls.

He was admitted to the emergency room on September 9, 2022 after falling in his cell.

While in hospital under the supervision of GeoAmey officials, the 76-year-old was treated for a broken hip and received palliative care after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) has announced that a Fatal Injury Inquiry (FAI) will now be conducted to determine the circumstances that led to his death in custody.

A preliminary hearing will take place at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday, May 27. Prosecuting attorney Andy Shanks said: “The Lord Advocate is of the view that Peter Tobin's death occurred while he was in custody and therefore a fatal accident inquiry is imperative.”