
Ottawa Shooting: Ottawa County Shooting: Tense Situation in Holland as Police Investigate Potential Explosives and Suspect Arrested | US News News

A shooting incident led to an investigation Saturday to locate potential explosives hidden in Dutch Ottawa County.

The suspect is said to have planted explosives in Holland County. | Representative image

A shooting incident led to an investigation to uncover possible explosives hidden in Holland Ottawa County on Saturday. Police arrested a suspect after a man was shot in the area of ​​Van Raalte Avenue and W 19th Street. Local media reports indicate that police, along with other agencies, were working to determine whether the suspect had planted explosives in the area.

The police were on site after a man was shot in the head, said Captain Robert Buursma, the head of public security in Holland's responsible ministry. Following the shooting, the victim was immediately transported to a local hospital.

The man shot in the area of ​​Van Raalte Avenue and W 19th Street was 41 years old, he said. After being taken to a nearby hospital, he was transferred to Grand Rapids. “The latest report I received is that the victim is in Grand Rapids but is still in very serious or critical condition,” Buursma noted.