
7 tips to make learning via video more effective / Habr

While video-based learning continues to feature prominently in the latest trends, there are some points that are regularly overlooked when producing educational videos, with a focus on user experience (UX) and user interaction

People really enjoy watching videos. According to a survey of consumers worldwide, respondents have Watched for an average of 19 hours of online video content per week in 2022. And almost half of all internet users Watch online videos at least once a week.

But videos are more than just entertainment. Videos can be very effective from an educational perspective.

Videos are an important part of the multimedia learning approach, combining different forms of media such as text, images, audio, animations and interactive elements. When used alongside other media, videos complement and reinforce learning by providing a dynamic visual element that enhances the overall learning experience.

We know that videos can be extremely effective in the training process because they engage multiple senses, build a trusting relationship with the trainer, simplify complex concepts, promote interactivity, provide real-world context, and provide flexibility and inclusivity in access to training material.

And business training videos are very popular in the corporate world. Accordingly dataEmployees prefer video training in the workplace, making it the most popular technology. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you should make decisions about learning formats hastily, at least not without reading the rest of the article first.

The 2022 Training Industry Report shows that virtual classrooms, webcasting and video broadcasting are the most commonly used 86% of participating companies use these methodsas shown by the survey results.

The only question that remains is whether consumers will always enjoy video learning as much as we hope. Here are some things you should consider before, during or even after the integration.

Know your learning principle

The first question to ask yourself is probably: Does my training really need to be done via video?

I could write a book about the use cases where the training and development department integrates some kind of video training and the employees don't have a stable internet connection or headphones at their workplace and for operational reasons they are not allowed to watch the training on their personal phones look at politics. And if you're lucky enough to have a dedicated learning and development manager, they'll most likely gather in their shared office and watch your video together. Which unfortunately also means that you won't be able to use all the interactive features you've developed or collect clear statistics.

For this reason, user research is truly the most important first step of any integration, but I have found it particularly valuable in projects of this type. Be aware that your learning principle is paramount. Try starting with the following questions

  1. Do they have all the technology they need?

  2. Are you allowed to use mobile devices at work?

  3. Is this topic relevant to their work, their interests, or even their personal experiences?

  4. Do they have time to attend this type of training?

  5. Is the video content tailored to their job responsibilities, interests, age appropriateness, etc.?

  6. Have you ever used videos in your training? And if not, then you need a more serious integration campaign and much deeper user research.

  7. Should this video training just be a PDF file that is much easier to open, read and use?

By incorporating these and other additional questions into the user research phase, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of employees' technology capabilities, preferences, work environments, and feedback mechanisms. This information can significantly improve the integration of video-based training tailored to the learner's needs and optimize the learning experience.

Integrate video content into complex learning experiences

Where should the final resting place of your video content be? Is it some kind of video dump on the learning portal? Will your users even be able to find it? Is it a direct, one-time link from an email? It would be a much better idea to make video lessons a part of your more complex learning programs, where it is one of many formats used. If you have a video portal, create playlists and don't forget to use tags.

A good example of proper organization is a closed (or open) YouTube channel with videos organized into playlists.

Data analysis is crucial

What type of statistics do you collect and analyze? It would be a good idea not to make assumptions about video characteristics such as length or video content in terms of what people like.

Collect as much data as possible and take your time to draw meaningful conclusions. What metrics you might want to analyze: views, watch time, average watch time, engagement (likes, comments, shares), demographics specific to video content, traffic sources and conversion rates.

Basically, knowing which department is watching what type of video with higher engagement rates, when they're watching it, and where they're finding it will help you make more informed decisions.

Add interactive activities to your video learning

Adding interactive activities to video learning increases engagement, encourages active participation, and facilitates better information retention.

By adding interactive elements such as tests, surveys, simulations, multiple choice scenarios, problem solving and group discussions, learners are encouraged to apply their knowledge, receive immediate feedback and deepen their learning.

By introducing such elements, educators catalyze an environment in which students become active participants rather than passive recipients of information, thereby promoting an active learning environment, which is a scientifically proven effective learning strategy.

Personalization in video-based learning

Personalized learning is an ongoing trend with a new twist in education with all the AI ​​technologies now available to us.

There are a few strategies you can try when incorporating personalization into video-based learning to tailor the content, pacing, and delivery to your students' individual needs and preferences.

Try some of these approaches:

  • Create adaptive learning paths that adapt content to each learner's skill level.

  • We recommend tailored content that allows learners to select topics that match their interests or goals.

  • Add personalized feedback to assignments and assessments to help learners better understand their strengths and opportunities for improvement.

  • Allow learners to control the pace of their learning experience by implementing a self-paced learning strategy, including the ability to review content.

  • Deliver content in various video formats (lectures, interactive tutorials, podcasts) to meet different learning preferences.

Don’t make video learning production just an HR LnD business

It might be more interesting for all professionals to take a look at their colleagues and management. This dynamic not only encourages deeper engagement among those involved in the admissions process, but often turns them into advocates for your initiatives.

Likewise, seeing colleagues and management share their stories and experiences significantly increases the attractiveness and effectiveness of your learning programs.

Accessibility and Inclusivity in Educational Videos

Finally, make sure your video content is accessible and inclusive for all learners. Here are some options to think about:

Provide closed captions and transcripts for those who prefer reading or need text-based alternatives.

  • Use clear images and fonts and think about colors to improve readability for learners with visual impairments.

  • Where possible, provide size options for text and images.

  • Promote inclusive language and ensure your content is culturally sensitive and respectful.

  • Make your cast diverse.

  • Implement open navigation options so learners can easily navigate content and find specific sections.

  • Provide downloadable options for learners without high-speed internet access.


Video is an important training tool that, in skilled hands, can advance the entire development process in both small and large companies.

By implementing these strategies, educators can create educational videos that are accessible and inclusive to learners of all abilities, backgrounds, and learning preferences, promoting equitable access to educational content.