
We are celebrating a WORLD Watch milestone

WE CELEBRATED RECENTLY Episode 1,000 of WORLD Watch, our daily video news program for students. And when I say “celebrated,” I mean we acknowledged the milestone and then began work on Episode 1,001. Daily programs are like that.

However, it would be wrong to leave it at that. Our production team may not have had time for a party, but our sense of gratitude for God's goodness, your support and the WORLD Watch The crew's hard work requires a break for greater recognition.

The crew's hard work: What started as a team of four four years ago has grown to an even dozen. Still, 12 people researching, reporting, writing, editing (the writing), recording, animating, filming, editing (this time the video) and distributing a daily newscast is no mean feat. They do it as an act of worship to the Lord, out of love for their audience, which consists mostly of families with teenagers.

Your Support: I told you early on that you needed to help us get this program off the ground, and you have. At that time – in the first three years, actually – we didn't have enough subscribers to cover the cost of the program. You gave us what we needed. They did it as an act of worship to the Lord, out of love for our audience.

We now have enough subscribers to continue the program on our own, but you have continued to donate this year WORLD Watch “Speed ​​off” a separate program for public schools, The world from A to Z. This program now runs daily in more than 20,000 public school classrooms and continues to need your support (more on that another time).

God's Goodness: I don't have space here to tell all the stories about the way God worked in establishing and continuing WORLD Watch. For one thing, there are stories behind God's work in bringing each of these dozen people onto the team. There are stories about how God gave us the resources to start the program. There are stories about how the COVID-19 outbreak and the closure of thousands of schools led us to launch an early version in spring 2020, and how the educational environment in fall 2020 made more schools and homeschools receptive to a daily video program .

There are also stories – thousands of them – about the encouragement our team has received from viewers whose families have benefited from the show. Whether you watched WORLD Watch or not – note: you should! – Would you celebrate Episode 1,000 with a prayer of thanksgiving to God for what He has accomplished?