
Viral Video: Baby falls from fourth floor and gets stuck on second floor in Chennai

The video went viral shortly after it was posted and divided the internet. Half of netizens called for action against the parents, describing it as a result of “parental negligence”, while the rest expressed relief that the child was fine and called the incident a “miracle”. The video was shared yesterday and reached 972,000 views.

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People shared their views online. “Question, how the hell did that boy end up over there?” Where are the parents? “Maybe watch web series,” said one user. “The baby limped out when the mother tried to pick up a mop…it was an accident…from the 4th to the 2nd floor…it's a miracle,” a second person added. “The parents would definitely be charged with negligence in any developed country, not in India. Note that the neighbors intervened to rescue, not rescue!,” wrote a third person.

“From what I've gathered from this thread, it looks like the baby slipped out of the mother's hand, from one of the upstairs balconies onto this shed structure. This is why it is so important to install safety grilles and nets on the balconies in all apartments. It’s a miracle the child is okay,” a fourth person added. “How did the baby get there?” Whatever is happy for him. This video will shock him when he grows up,” wrote the fifth.

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