
As tensions rise in the Gaza Strip, riot police drag away protesters at the University of Texas

State troopers in riot gear moved out Monday afternoon to clear students who were trying to occupy a courtyard at the University of Texas at Austin.

Dozens of protesters were arrested at the scene, escalating tensions that began Wednesday when the pro-Palestinian protest movement tried to set up a camp on the South Mall, just below the looming UT Tower that houses campus administration.

University President Jay Hartzell has taken a particularly tough stance on the protests that have erupted on campuses across the country, sparking a backlash from hundreds of faculty who held a no-confidence vote to call for his removal.

Dozens of protesters were arrested by state police on Wednesday. There were renewed protests on Thursday – but no occupation, few police and no arrests.

But tensions rose again on Monday after students quietly set up a small protest camp in the shadow of the tower without warning from university management.

Protesters brought tents and umbrellas to protect themselves from the oppressive heat, and other students surrounded the camp and linked arms to hold back police.

State troopers arrived in the early afternoon, and by 3 p.m. a line of police with face shields, body armor and batons stood in a circle around the slowly shrinking camp while other officers — including university and city police officers — slowly moved or calmed protesters out of the camp.

In temperatures around 30 degrees, sweaty police officers negotiated with students sitting or lying on their stomachs on the grass, dragging away those who wouldn't leave voluntarily.

Every time a student was grabbed – many of them going limp, requiring two or three officers to remove them – hundreds of students around the small camp erupted in cries of “Let them go!” Let them go go!” and “We are peaceful! You are violent” and simply “Shame”.

But the prevailing cry as police dragged the student protesters away one by one was: “Get off our campus! Away from our campus!” and “We don’t see any riots here! Why are you wearing riot gear?”

Protest leaders are urging the government to divest from weapons manufacturers and Israeli companies.

But Hartzell's decision to call Texas State Police to campus last week sparked another axis of controversy — sparking a debate about whether campus administrators should bring in law enforcement to suppress student speech or oust a student occupation.

On Monday, 539 faculty members wrote that Hartzell “unnecessarily placed students, staff and faculty at risk.” Dozens of students were arrested for peacefully gathering on their own campus.”

Fifty-seven people were arrested at Wednesday's protest, but city prosecutors dropped all charges because there was no credible cause.

Hartzell, the faculty wrote, “has demonstrated a failure to respond to urgent concerns of faculty, staff and students. “He has betrayed our trust.”

The faculty announced its intention to hold a vote of no confidence, which could potentially lead to Hartzell's removal.

The campus protests — and the faculty letter — came in the context of another flashpoint in Texas state politics: the state government's campaign against diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs.

Earlier this month, employees wrote in their letter that Hartzell “capitulated to political pressure and closed the university's DEI office,” even though he himself argued that the office was in compliance with state law.

“At least forty employees – predominantly women and people of color – were fired after working hard to comply with SB 17 at the President’s request,” the faculty wrote.

The mood on Monday was tense and tense. Protesters chanted “F— you, fascists” and “APD, KKK, IDF, you are all the same.”

A black student approached one of the few black officers in the Department of Security. “Why are you here as a black man?” she asked as he turned away. “Do you think they care about us?”

Despite the profane chants and heckling, there was no violence from protesters on The Hill.

At one point, officers stood back so volunteer paramedics could administer water and Gatorade to a student who appeared to be suffering from heat exhaustion.

But in a public statement, the university accused students of being combative – and said many were not students at all.

“Strategically placed baseball-sized rocks were found in the camp,” university officials wrote.

The university statement continued: “It is believed that the majority of demonstrators are not affiliated with the university. On Saturday, the university received extensive online threats from a group that organized today’s protest.”

Although The Hill was unable to confirm this claim, those arrested appeared to be college-aged or in their 20s. Protest organizers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In a statement Monday afternoon, Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who faced backlash from libertarians over Wednesday's arrests, told Texans that “no encampments will be allowed.”

“Instead there are arrests.”

A state trooper tried to explain to the students why the arrests had occurred. “The university said we had a protest problem – come help us solve it.”

“If we escalate, we’ll be in trouble,” he said. “That’s what you all don’t see.”

Another official told a student that this encampment was removed while other protests were allowed because it was an attempted occupation – an occupation by outside groups.

“That's nonsense. There are students in there that I knew,” said the student.

“You have to follow the money,” the official said.

“I will,” said the student. “Just like this university’s money is tied to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.”

At 4 p.m., security ministry officials surrounded an empty field filled with crushed pizza boxes, trash bags and water bottles while university maintenance workers hauled away the destroyed tents.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” said a woman who passed by with her middle finger raised.

After the dust settled that day, some of the protesters stayed at the planned campsite and cleaned up the trash left behind.

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