
Unreal Engine 5 free download is hard to separate from real life

This looks better than in real life

Much to our horror and amazement, video games are taking another step towards looking as crisp as real life.

An Unreal Engine 5 download of next-generation graphics will leave gamers amazed at how realistic the graphics have become.

“We are living in the Matrix for sure,” said one YouTuber, and we have to admit the same thought crossed our minds.

The download in question is not specifically a game; One comment says: “Very nice and grainy running simulator.”

We're not going anywhere, this Unreal Engine 5 next-gen demo looks so damn good we're having trouble distinguishing it from real life!

While disappointing news for some, this demo of Unreal Engine's capabilities does a good job of whetting our appetites for future titles such as: Stand out 5.

“I want the next Fallout game to look like this!” another YouTuber commented further down in the long comment thread.

Just like us. However, we have some serious news for Fallout fans: the next Fallout title may not be coming to PlayStation. Sorry guys, we don't make the rules, Bethesda does.

For those of you who want a download that offers more than just a gorgeous looking running simulation, there's the wonderful Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake is also available for download.

As long-time fans of Legend of Zelda, we can confirm that it looks perfect.

Unreal Engine has been impressing gamers for a while now, so we really shouldn't be surprised by these graphics.

And yet here we are, amazed at how difficult it is to separate this experience from real life. No, we're not kidding.

Our biggest gripe so far is whether our PCs can handle such graphics; Other users have similar concerns. “This is amazing, I wish my PC could have run this without delivering 60 images a day,” joked one player.

Featured Image Source: Digital Dreams – YouTube

Topics: Unreal Engine, PC