
OpenAI's Sora makes his first official music video

Although OpenAI has not yet released the Sora text-to-video model to the public, its ability to produce realistic, high-resolution video clips is already causing job security concerns among filmmakers. Now the tool has entered the world of pop music videos.

If you want to create a stunning fly-through video like JayBird Films' viral one-shot promo a few years ago, you'll probably need an experienced drone pilot, a powerful Cinedrone, and a fair bit of post-production. production savvy. But that was before OpenAI released its Sora text-to-video model earlier this year.

Initially, we were treated to stunning video clips generated from text prompts, followed by a few short films from talented creatives a month later. One of them recently caused some controversy after Toronto-based production company shy Kids revealed that their extraordinary Air Head film actually required quite a bit of post-production cleanup.

NEW! Sora AI film series 1

Still, “Sora” remains an incredible evolution, used last month to provide the trippy moving images for the song Weltweight by electronic musician August Kamp. Now, LA-based director Paul Trillo has used the AI ​​platform for his first official music video commission.

The footage aims to realize an idea Trillo had been thinking about for a decade: a kind of improved version of a 3D animated music video for the song The great division by The Shins 3 years ago. Now the virtual camera moves forward through the scenes instead of pulling back to deliver the fast-paced images The hardest part by singer/songwriter Ernest Weatherly Greene Jr. – also known as Washed Out.

“The Hardest Part” washed out

The four-minute video consists of a series of fly-through scenes consisting of 55 Sora clips generated from text input and stitched together in Adobe Premiere Pro software, with only “very minor touch-ups.”

The young, AI-generated characters and locations are only seen on screen for fleeting moments, and it's not clear whether things like odd body angles, alien heads, strange jerky movements, and obvious camera tricks are part of the intended look or merely display errors . In any case, it's a cool video for a cool song.

Source: Paul Trillo