
Will a $25 million donation help catapult this Texas B-school into the MBA elite?

Texas A&M Mays Business School in College Station, Texas, has announced receipt of its largest donation ever: $25 million from the school's namesake. The funds will go toward the construction of a new building and the expansion of graduate programs

From College Station, Texas: The Mays Business School at Texas A&M University received its largest single donation in history on April 26: $25 million.

The funds come from the school's family foundation, Lowry Mays. The Foundation and Lowry Mays have been instrumental in making the business school what it is today and what it will be in the future.

The donation will help fund construction of a new building for the B-School that will house expanded graduate programs, support increasing enrollment and enhance current programs, the school said.

What was highlighted most at an announcement ceremony on April 26 was the donation's ability to propel the school to the top of national lists.

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The Georgetown MBA Class of 1998 hopes their gift will inspire other alumni classes to find unique, collaborative ways to give back to their MBA community in the years to come. Georgetown photo

The 1998 Georgetown MBA graduate establishes a scholarship and community to celebrate its 25th anniversary

From Washington, DC: To commemorate the 25th anniversary of its graduation, the Georgetown MBA Class of 1998 committed $218,000 to establish the MBA Class of 1998 Endowed MBA Scholarship Fund and the Current Use MBA Entrepreneurship Fellowship Fund to support full-time MBA Students at the McDonough School of Business support. The gift was inspired by the 1998 class reunion celebration and is intended to enhance the MBA experience for future generations.

“This gift demonstrates what is possible when a class of graduates leverages their lifelong relationships and connections to create new opportunities for the students who come after them,” said Sudipta Dasmohapatra, associate dean for MBA programs. “We thank the MBA class of 1998 for their generous commitment to our school and for providing another mechanism to attract the best talent to the Georgetown MBA program.”

The scholarship and scholarship funds reflect the unique makeup of the Class of 1998 and their shared experiences in the Georgetown MBA program. The performance-based Class of 1998 Endowed MBA Scholarship Fund emphasizes student engagement and supports one full-time MBA student each year in their academic pursuits.

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What does it mean to be a scientist in the age of AI?

From Cambridge, UK: The academic profession, even at business schools, is like an exclusive members' club. Faculty members seek tenure, promotions, and higher standing among their peers based on a well-understood set of elite rules. A scientist whose article is published in the most prestigious journal with the highest standards of acceptance and rejection will be rewarded in a way that publication in a less lauded journal might not be.

But this long-established code of the academic professor is based on one core understanding: scarcity.

So what happens when generative artificial intelligence (AI) turns this understanding on its head by enabling the creation of far more than a limited number of exceptional items, perhaps even a virtually unlimited amount of them?

That's the focus of an editorial entitled “From Scarcity to Abundance” in Journal of the Academy of Management Co-authored with Professor Matthew Grimes at Cambridge Judge Business School.

“Our goal in writing this editorial is to provoke deep thought and reflection among ourselves and our colleagues about what our profession should look like given the rapid advances in AI,” says Grimes.

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