
Italian Student Arrested in Miami, Tajani Calls on US to “Pay Attention to the Case”

Since the beginning of the story, the Italian Consulate General in Miami has been following the case of 25-year-old compatriot Matteo Falcinelli from Spoleto, who was arrested by the police in Miami Beach on the night of February 24th to 25th and released after two days. As a note from the Farnesina shows, Mr. Falcinelli was subjected to a particularly violent detention at the time of his arrest, as evidenced by the body cameras of the police officers who carried out the arrest. For this reason, in addition to pursuing the case and assisting the family in legal aspects, the Consul General in Miami has also highlighted to the local authorities the unreasonableness of the treatments to which the young man was subjected. In Rome, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani already called for maximum attention to the case of the US ambassador to Italy, Jack Markell, recalling that the Italian government diligently follows every case of detention of Italian citizens abroad.

Falcinelli was arrested outside a nightclub. Miami police had charged him with several crimes, including resisting a public official with violence. He was released two days after the arrest. The Consulate General in Miami took immediate action: in addition to intervening with the local authorities, it provided the compatriot and his family members with the necessary support and also established contacts for the law firm chosen by the family. Until the matter is concluded, the Consulate General, in agreement with Farnesina, will continue to support the compatriot and maintain close contact with the family.

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