
24 of the best “reveal” scenes in film history

If you think about it, Films are actually just a series of revelations. Of course there is the classic Plot twist, but that's not always the big reveal of the film. It could be an element that contradicts your expectations, or the first glimpse of a hyped character or magical realm, or even a callback to a previous film during the game director spins a large dial labeled “Nostalgia” and constantly looks to the audience for approval.

But “big” doesn’t necessarily mean “good” when it comes to revelations. Remember when you figured it out Last Christmas was called that because last Christmas literally gave her his heart? How stupid was that? How big was the grudge you had against Emma Thompson but failed? (She's just too captivating.) So if users Jburg12 asked r/AskReddit“What are the best reveal scenes in the movie?” The revelations that made them pick their jaws off the floor instead of throwing things at the TV stuck with Reddit users.


Destroy it Ralph

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

A beautiful spirit

silence of the Lambs


Ocean's Eleven

The departed



The Matrix

The Dark Knight

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

old boy


V for Vendetta

The hateful eight

The usual suspects



Primal fear



Star Wars: The Force Awakens