
Despite Star Wars and Indiana Jones, George Lucas' biggest career regret is an Ewan McGregor war film

George Lucas has a filmography that will make any filmmaker jealous. It contains war of stars And Indiana Jonestwo of the most popular franchises of all time, along with underrated gems like American graffiti. But despite his globally acclaimed filmography, Lucas regrets not having made a project similar to Ewan McGregor's best war drama.

George Lucas Star Wars YouTube
George Lucas founded two of the most successful franchises. (Image via Star Wars | YouTube)

During an interview, Lucas talked about how some of his other passion projects often had to be put on hold due to his long-term commitment war of stars Franchise. At the same time, the filmmaker mentioned a film with Ewan McGregor as something he would have liked to have done himself. Despite having a very successful career, here's what George Lucas revealed about one of his biggest regrets.

George Lucas regrets not making a film like Ewan McGregor's Black Hawk Down

George Lucas spent almost two decades of his life making the war of stars franchise that has become a cornerstone of modern pop culture. In addition, he also produced the Indiana Jones franchise which is also popular worldwide. However, due to his commitment to these franchises, Lucas regrets that he didn't have the opportunity to explore other genres.

Ewan McGregor in Black Hawk DownEwan McGregor in Black Hawk Down
George Lucas admitted he regrets not being able to make a film like Ewan McGregor's Black Hawk Down.

During an interview with The Guardian, Lucas explained that watching a film he liked reminded him of being pigeonholed because of his work war of stars, which was primarily considered a children's or family franchise. Instead, Lucas wanted to realize his creative ambitions by dabbling in different genres.

“Even something like Black Hawk Down, I was like, “Oh man, I want to do a movie like that.”

Lucas made the above statement based on Obi-Wan Kenobi actor Ewan McGregor's war drama film Black Hawk Down as an example of the style of filmmaking he wanted to pursue. However, Lucas noted that the story of the prequel trilogy had been floating around in his head for almost twenty years. That's why he wanted to return to the franchise and finish his epic saga before venturing into directing other passion projects.

George Lucas has spoken about his passion for historical films

George LucasGeorge Lucas
George Lucas wanted to try his hand at other genres, but couldn't for this reason war of stars (Image via AMC)

During a separate interview with Empire, Lucas highlighted some of the other projects he would have liked to pursue had he not committed to them war of stars. Lucas spoke of his interest in historical stories and expressed a desire to make small, esoteric films.

“I’m interested in a lot of historical pieces. A lot of things that probably won’t be as popular but that I enjoy doing.”

Lucas made the above statement, explaining what type of films he would have liked to have made outside of his existing franchise. However, Lucas noticed that there were stories that he liked more war of starsthey had been pushed aside due to his commitment to the franchise.

According to reports war of stars itself was massively influenced by several historical events and wars. Therefore, Lucas' interest in the subject was obvious. So it's a shame that such a dynamic filmmaker was pigeonholed into one particular type of cinematic experience and never had the chance to realize some of his other passion projects.

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