
ATREYU shares music video for “Insomnia”

ATREYU has released the official music video for “Insomnia”. The clip seen below was shot by the music video director from St. Louis, Missouri JT Ibanezknown for his work with SEVENDUST, HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS, POD, Orianthi and many more.

“Insomnia” is removed ATREYU's latest album, “The beautiful darkness of life”which came out last December Spinefarm.

“The beautiful darkness of life” is an emotional journey through three different phases ATREYUis the previously released three-part EP series – capturing the essence of despair “Hope for a spark”the pursuit of hope “The moment you find your flame” and triumphant self-discovery and purpose continue “A torch in the dark”.

The album contains sonic numbers that touch every corner of the heavy music sphere – from metal to punk and alternative to classic '80s rock and with shades of industrial, hip-hop and outrageous pop – and speaks more than ever Music generation of fans who care little about the traditional constraints of the genre.

Expressing deeply personal feelings and emotions, the album is soul-baring and empathetic, offering escape and empowerment through songs that speak candidly about anxiety, depression, self-confidence, love and identity. This includes three new songs: “Dancing with my demons”, “Insomnia” and the title track.

“The beautiful darkness of life” is the journey we are all on,” said frontman Brandon Saller. “It’s the journey we took the audience on through the three EPs: the ups, downs and lessons of life. And much like living through them, without the bigger picture you don't gain a full understanding of what it all means.” . This album is this picture.

Bassist/vocalist Marc “Porter” McKnight said: “We wanted each EP to have its own space, for each song to find its audience and connect with other people. But when these songs are later collected together in the form of the album, it will be an “a-ha!” moment in which we hope people rediscover them in a new light and find something in them once again. “

“One day I was walking with my little daughter when we went under a bridge,” she said Saller. “She pointed at something and said, 'Dad, what is that?' I told her, “That's a shadow, darling.” And she turned to me and said, 'Shadows are the beautiful darkness of life,'” as she talked about the album title.

“The beautiful darkness of life” Song list:

01. Drown
02. insomnia
03. Capital F
04. God/Devil
05. Watch me burn
06. Good enough
07. Dancing with my demons
08. Gone
09. I do not wanna die
10. Immortal
11. (I)
12. Death or glory
13. Forever
14. Come down
15. The beautiful darkness of life

In an interview with Rock 100.5 The KATT'S Cameron Buchholtz carried out in September last year Rocklahoma Festival in Pryor, Oklahoma, Saller spoke about ATREYUDeciding to shift their focus from releasing albums to releasing a series of EPs.Saller said: “The whole project as a whole kind of tells the same story over and over again. And we just wanted to find a way to illuminate the songs a little more individually. I like a lot.' Nowadays you put out albums and you get three or four songs that somehow get attention. The rest just falls by the wayside, which sucks when you create art and put everything you have into the art.

He continued: “Each EP goes through the cycles of life, the seasons if you will, to tell a big story at the end. So it's kind of a way to go a little deeper with kind of a story and also a way to give our audience a chance to really focus on smaller parts of the songs at a time.”

When asked if he and his bandmates see such commitment and if fans are following the story, Brandon said: “Absolutely. I feel like you just see it, right then [you look at] The [streaming] Numbers, you can see that each song gets a little more spotlight and is a little more like a day in the sun. That feels good for us.”

Saller previously discussed ATREYUThe decision to release a series of EPs last July, in an interview with the Brutally Delicious podcast. At the time he said: “I'm becoming less and less interested in the traditional ways of doing things and more interested in how do we actually give people the opportunity to digest all of the art? …You put out an album, let's say.” I put out 12 songs on an album and four of them get spotlighted and are in tens of millions of streams and have all this attention, and then the other eight are in the hundreds of thousands if that so is – maybe they made a hit million you are in the dark and you spent the whole time with these songs.

“We're not a band that has a history of putting out records with a lot of filler; it’s hard to get songs past us,” he explained. “So for us it's like, 'Well, man, there just wasn't an opportunity to be featured.'

“I’m interested in alternative release methods” Saller added. “I think the only physical releases these days are vinyl and cool collectibles. I'm not interested in CDs. I couldn't play a CD if I wanted to. I don’t have one.” CD [player] in my car. I don't have a CD player in my computer. But as far as releasing things, I just want to release things that make it more accessible and easier to actually consume and digest. And I think that might be the case with singles and EPs. I don't know everything and nothing. So we’ll see how it goes.”

Photo credit: Micala Austin