
Watch: KERRY KING's solo band performs live for the first time

SLAYER guitarist Kerry King's solo band played their first show ever at Reggies in Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday night (May 7).

The group's 17-song setlist included six SLAYER title as well as 11 of the 13 songs that appear on king's upcoming debut solo album, “I rise from hell”which is due on May 17th Officiating Phoenix Music.

The setlist for the concert was reported to be as follows

01. Where I rule (live debut)
02. Poisonous (live debut)
03. Fury (live debut)
04. Unrepentant (SLAYER song)
05. Two fists (live debut)
06. Residue (live debut)
07. Hate worldwide (SLAYER song)
08. Idle hands (live debut)
09. Tyrant's Trophies (live debut)
10. Chemical warfare (SLAYER song)
11. Everything I hate about you (live debut)
12. Pupils (SLAYER song)
13. shrapnel (live debut)
14. crucifixion (live debut)
15. Raining blood (SLAYER song)
16. Black magic (SLAYER song)
17. I rise from hell (live debut)

In a recent interview with metal hammer Magazine, king about the set list for his solo band's performances: “For the coming summer in Europe, we'll do about nine or ten tracks from the album and, depending on the length of the set, fill them with stuff that I've done – something that I wrote have.” In SLAYER or co-author. That's why no one can say, “He's playing.” Jeff [Hanneman, late SLAYER guitarist] Songs', because although I love Jeff Songs and it's been such a big part of my life that I don't want to rely on it this year, this album cycle. I'll play at some point “Angel of Death”but there are so many fucking faceless haters on the internet, I don't want to give them any ammunition.

All material for “I rise from hell” was written by the 59-year-old SLAYER Guitarist who was accompanied by the rest of his solo band, consisting of a drummer, during recording Paul Bostaph (SLAYER), bassist Kyle Sanders (HALLYEA),Guitarist Phil Demmel (formerly from MACHINE HEAD) And Mark Osegueda (DEAD ANGEL) on vocals. Leading the meetings Henson Recording Studios in Los Angeles was a producer last year Josh Wilburwith whom he has previously worked GRAIN, LAMB OF GOD, AVENGED SEVENFOLD And BAD RELIGIONamong others.

In a new interview with Martha Wingen the Bleeding Metal podcast, king was asked to name “the most important message.” “I rise from hell”. He said: “I don’t know if there’s a message in the album. I'm not that kind of person. I like to bring things into conversation. Let's say, for example, what I was talking about today, I think.” Many people are born into a religious belief that is passed down from their parents, friends, etc. What I like to present to people are ideas that make them question their beliefs, what they've been taught… I think everyone And in the end that would be my message: “Make up your own mind, be it politics, be it it religion. Just be yourself.”

When asked if he could implement something in his music that he always wanted to do, such as new influences or new styles “I rise from hell”, Kerry said: “Realistically, my influences were 40 years ago and they are still my influences. And did I learn more along the way? Yes absolutely. But I think working on this project is just the next record for me. “I didn't have anything I wanted to achieve that I hadn't necessarily achieved. I just want to come up with the next batch of music for people who I think are my fans, who I think would like it because SLAYER has a gigantic I have so many fans and if I make 95 percent of them happy with what I do, I think I’ve had a good day.”

Pressed about whether he wants to achieve something musically and personally with his solo project, king said: “Musically, not really. Just keep putting out music that connects between what I write and what the fans like. The thing I can't wait for, which is a lot closer than I expected – I was told today, our first album.” The show is in about 10 days [laughs], so I have to go home and rehearse. But I'm looking forward to playing with the boys because even though we made a video, we've never all played together at the same time. So this is going to be pretty exciting. And that happens on Sunday. I fly home on Saturday and then I have to fly to the West Coast on Sunday and start rehearsals. So I have a big week ahead of me, but that's what I'm looking forward to the most these days: going to the rehearsal room and then finally going on stage and showing everyone the new band.

In a separate interview with France's Loud TV: Kerry said of the prospect of starting a solo career: “It’s kind of funny, isn’t it? It's kind of funny to even be in this business for 40 years, let alone start a new band. It's funny, our first show in Europe will be on my 60th birthday at the only venue I've ever canceled in my life, which is super ironic.

Referring to the fact that SLAYER hasn't released a new studio album since 2015 and hasn't played any live shows since 2019, king added: “I’m obviously not done yet. I have a lot more music and a lot more things to say, a lot more people to piss off and argue about. So, let's get started on this new venture now. Keep going.”

When the interviewer noted that it takes “courage” to start a new project several decades into one’s career, king agreed: “It's a lot harder than I thought. I've been kind of spoiled for the last at least three decades. And I’m starting from the beginning, even though I have a gigantic story behind me.” SLAYERIf you start over, you're still starting over – your bills are worse, you don't pay that [same kind of] Money. I need to figure out how to make sure everyone in my band makes money so it's worth their time. But yeah, I never thought for a second about not continuing because at this point in life any record could be the last. I don't think this is my last record, but I have to keep doing what I'm doing. So put it out there, hope the fans like it, hope the fans show up. I like this. I think the fans will like it and I think we'll have a lot of good times.

When asked whether the line-up of his solo band consisted of “friends”, Kerry said: “Absolutely. The most important thing for me in developing this project was finding my friends. I could get anyone in the business – I can get people I don't know, people I've never met, but I have enough friends in this business to know that I can put together a band of outstanding musicians could Are Friends that after the show we can get on the bus, have a drink and just have fun. No drama. Nothing strange will happen that we don't foresee. I’m looking forward to going on tour with these guys and having a good time.”

Asked which member of his solo band was “most surprised” and when Kerry called him to offer him a place in the group, Kerry said: “I think the most surprising moment was when I finally gave in To mark the performance. To mark put his name into play very early on and he's the only one who did demos with me Paul. We had him come over every six weeks or so and he would just come over and sing the songs he had already sung and every time he came down he made them better. But I didn't tell him he got the job until about 14 months ago. And I was super casual about it. He was at my house [Las] Vegas, and I said, “Dude, if you still want the gig, I guess you can have it.” And he was Excellent upset, Excellent excited, almost Fan upset. He was so excited that he accidentally texted his mom and me. [Laughs] And I said, “I love you too, man.” It’s cool. It's cool.' So about two months later we went in and recorded.”

When the interviewer noticed this To mark sounds like he's really trying hard vocally “I rise from hell”, Kerry said: “Like I said, we did demos and we kept making the demos better. And then we got to the studio in Hollywood and I was in another room doing something and he was singing.” 'Residue'. And the producer caught me and said, “Hey, I want you to hear where the song is.” And I said, “Okay, cool,” expecting to hear what I was used to. And I hear the first verse and I'm like, “How did you get to this register?” It's like I've never heard that before. He said, “Well, that's where he started singing and felt comfortable.” So I went To mark immediately and I said, “Hey, dude, you can recreate this, right?” It's like, “You're not going to go for failing the first show, ruining your voice and canceling shows everywhere.” And he did me assured that he can do it. So he kept going and gave even crazier performances on the later songs he sang. So he's obviously very confident in what he can do. And I think it sounds great. So I can’t wait to get out there and get started.”
king told Rolling Stone about the decision to call the band KERRY KING: “It would be KINGDOM for a long time, which is really cool. But even on that point I said to the boys, 'I'm not a vain guy.' I don't want my name to be a part of it.' We talked about it Blood Reign for a while but it didn't work. Every time I thought of something remotely cool, it was recorded by an obscure band in Eastern Europe. It was KERRY KING because I love this logo.

king said the album was about “various religious themes, some wartime stuff, heavy stuff, punky stuff, doomy stuff and scary stuff, reaching Herculean speeds,” adding, “If you've ever liked one.” SLAYER In every part of our history there is something on this record that will excite you, be it classic punk, fast punk, thrash or just heavy metal.

king added, there's more to come. “Even with a record under my belt, I still have so many songs that need to be finished,” he said. “That’s what I can do… number one is music, number two is metal. It’s been a part of my life for 40 years and I’m not done yet.”

KERRY KING will be on the upcoming special guest LAMB OF GOD/MASTODON North American “Ashes of Leviathan” Co-headline tour. The six-week run begins July 19 in Grand Prairie, Texas and ends August 31 in Omaha, Nebraska.

KERRY KING will play next Welcome to Rockville Festival on May 9th and on Sonic Temple Festival on May 16th.