
Partners in Crime – Tehran Times

TEHRAN – Israel has committed heinous crimes in the Gaza Strip since it began its war against the besieged Palestinian territory more than seven months ago.

Since October 7, nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered in Gaza, including many women and children.

In response to the surprise military operation carried out by the resistance group in southern Israel on October 7, 2023, the regime has regularly launched deadly attacks on residential buildings under the pretext of targeting Hamas militants.

Medical facilities were also not spared from Israeli attacks.

The Israeli army has brutally killed patients and medical staff in its raids on hospitals.

Last month, hundreds of bodies were recovered from a mass grave at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis after Israeli forces withdrew from the city on April 7.
Bodies were also recovered from mass graves at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

After the mass graves were discovered, Palestinian officials revealed horrifying details of the tragedy.

They said dozens of the bodies were found with their hands bound, while others still had medical tubes attached. It suggests they may have been buried alive.

Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman for the U.N. human rights office, also said some of the bodies found at Khan Younis Hospital “were found with their hands tied and without clothes.”

Israel had stormed the hospitals and carried out cold-blooded massacres there. The Israeli army claims that Hamas uses hospitals as command centers. However, the regime has failed to provide evidence to support its claims.

Despite these horrific atrocities, Israel has not yet been held accountable.

In addition, the United States, Israel's main backer, has rejected calls to use its influence to stop the regime's killing machine.

The US has supported Israel's narrative that it has the right to self-defense.

General Mark Milley suggests that political expediency justifies the murder of Palestinian civilians by Israeli forces. Although American officials have stepped up their criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's deadly military operation in Gaza following domestic backlash, they have taken no practical action to stop Gaza's genocidal war.

The US could cut military aid to Israel and take decisive action in the UN Security Council if it wants to stop Israel's brutal attack.

Israel is an apartheid regime that has no qualms about committing barbaric crimes against Palestinians.

The US has turned a blind eye to these atrocities because it has committed similar acts.

Aside from the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, which killed tens of thousands of people, the United States' military invasion of countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan claimed the lives of large numbers of civilians.

The US has always tried to justify the tragic deaths of civilians. American officials have claimed that the country's armed forces are targeting “militants” who use civilians as human shields.

Former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley has come up with similar excuses to justify Israel's brutal attack on Gaza.

“I feel terrible for the innocent people in Gaza who are dying, but we should not forget that we, the United States, killed many innocent people in Mosul, Raqqa, that we, the United States, killed 12,000 innocent French civilians “Here we are in the 80th anniversary of Normandy,” the former U.S. commander in chief said at the AI ​​Expo for National Competitiveness at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, held May 7 and 8 by Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP).

He was referring to U.S. attacks in Iraq and Syria at a time when the terrorist group Daesh occupied parts of Arab countries, and Allied bombing of French villages and towns during World War II.

The US has claimed it has sent troops to Iraq and Syria to eliminate Daesh. However, the USA is accused of aiding and abetting the terrorist group. During his 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump accused then-President Barack Obama's administration of founding Daesh.

“We destroyed 69 Japanese cities, not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We slaughtered people in large numbers, innocent people who had nothing to do with their government. Men, women and children. War is a terrible thing, but if it is to have meaning; “If there is to be any sense of morality, there must be a political purpose and it must be achieved quickly and at the least cost,” Milley added.

His comments are actually reminiscent of the saying “the end justifies the means.”

Israel uses the same pretexts to justify its genocidal war in Gaza.

Israel has tried to demonize Hamas by comparing it to the terrorist group Daesh. But Hamas is more popular than ever among Palestinians for its resistance to the occupation regime in light of its brutal war on Gaza.

Israel can kill more civilians like the United States, but it will not be able to crush Palestinian resistance through military action.

Netanyahu has vowed to continue the Gaza war until “total victory” over Hamas. But he should know that sooner or later the war will end and his regime will suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of the Palestinian resistance.