
Protest organizers end bargaining talks with UW administrators – The Badger Herald

The pro-Palestinian camp demonstration at Library Mall has entered its tenth day.

Protest organizers have planned a series of programs for Wednesday, including “zine making” at 10 a.m., a training on off-campus police movements at 3 p.m., solidarity support for organizers at 4 p.m. and paper printing at 5:30 p.m

Protest negotiators met with UW administrators yesterday, but details of the meeting have not yet been announced. UW spokesman John Lucas told The Badger Herald via email Tuesday that “discussions are expected to continue.”

This is a developing story. Live updates can be found below.

3:03 p.m

Over 60 UW student organizations have now expressed support for the encampment demonstration, according to a post on Instagram from SJP UW-Madison.

– Report by Editor-in-Chief Cat Carroll.

2:57 p.m

UW added to its earlier statement that there are currently no plans for law enforcement to remove the encampment at Library Mall.

– Report by editor-in-chief Celia Hiorns.

2:50 p.m

United Faculty and Academic Staff AFT Local 223 voted unanimously on May 4 to pass a resolution condemning violence against peaceful protesters, calling for law enforcement accountability, urging UW administrators to consider protesters' demands and members The UW community doing exercises will be offered support for their right to peaceful protest, a news release said.

“UFAS affirms the right of students, faculty and staff to peacefully protest and demand changes in the leadership of our institution,” the resolution states. “We stand in solidarity with those who are victims of violence and oppression, and we will continue to fight for a safe and democratic environment in which to work, study and dissident at UW-Madison.”

– Report by editor-in-chief Celia Hiorns.

1:38 p.m

The midday prayer Dhuhr has begun. Other protesters surround those who are praying to prevent possible disruption and interference.

– Report by Editor-in-Chief Cat Carroll.

1:22 Clock

In a statement Wednesday afternoon, the university said students and faculty members involved in the encampment demonstration ended negotiations with administration this morning.

“At this time, campus leaders remain open to further discussion but are deeply disappointed with this outcome,” the statement said.

– Report by Editor-in-Chief Cat Carroll.

12:37 p.m

UW released information for guests ahead of Saturday's Spring Commencement. Flags, banners, signs and noisemakers are prohibited at Camp Randall Stadium. All guests must pass through metal detectors and adhere to carryout guidelines.

The information website also warned participants about disruptions.

“Disruptions to university events, including graduation ceremonies, violate state law and will not be tolerated,” the website says.

– Report by editor-in-chief Celia Hiorns.

12:18 p.m

Protest organizers announced Wednesday afternoon that they had presented an ethical divestment proposal to members of the UW administration on Monday. During yesterday's 11 a.m. negotiating session, members of the UW administration said they had not read the proposal, according to protest organizers. UW administrators, for their part, submitted their own resolution saying they could not make any commitments related to the disclosure or divestment of Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association investments.

Instead, administrators offered to facilitate a meeting between organizers and members of the WFAA. The UW proposal also included further conversations about shared governance and belonging for Muslim, Arab and Palestinian members of the campus community.

The protest organizers rejected the government's proposed resolution. According to an Instagram post from Students for Justice in Palestine UW-Madison, organizers are circulating a petition in support of their proposal.

– Report by editor-in-chief Celia Hiorns.

10:37 am

During Tuesday night's Madison City Council meeting, members of the UW and greater Madison communities expressed their support and opposition for Agenda Item 38, a resolution supporting student protesters and reaffirming an earlier call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The original decision for a ceasefire in Gaza was passed unanimously on December 6, according to previous reports in the Badger Herald.

The resolution was not adopted by 8 votes to 8. The resolution that council members voted on was revised from a previous version that some community members criticized in public comments. Compared to the original version, the resolution discussed on Tuesday evening did not contain any specific recommendations for law enforcement and, among other things, mentioned the October 7 attacks on Israel.

– Report by Editor-in-Chief Cat Carroll.