
The worrying trend: is Islamist terrorism on the rise? – World News – Thailand News, Travel & Forum

Are we accidentally rewarding terrorism? Recent events suggest this. The aftermath of the October 7 attacks has revealed a disturbing pattern: Instead of taking decisive action against extremism, some Western nations appear to be offering concessions. This shift raises critical questions about the effectiveness of our foreign policy and the message it sends to terrorist groups worldwide.

If, like me, you are deeply concerned about the rise of Islamist extremism, you will find these developments alarming. The danger it poses to Jewish communities worldwide and the threat to liberal values ​​and national security should not be underestimated. Nevertheless, Western support for Israel's efforts to combat terrorism, particularly Hamas, appears to be inconsistent and wavering.

Most of us want our governments to defend democracy and counter terrorist threats. But why do our leaders seem hesitant to fully support Israel's fight against Hamas? Why is there hesitation in condemning acts of terrorism and providing unwavering support to those who fight them? These are questions that require answers.

Instead of adopting a posture of strength and resolve, some Western politicians appear to be pursuing a misguided “peace without victory” approach. These policies, reminiscent of Ronald Reagan's criticisms during the Cold War, risk emboldening our enemies and undermining our security. By avoiding direct confrontation, we could inadvertently signal weakness and encourage further acts of terrorism.

The aftermath of the October 7 attacks is a stark reminder of the dangers of appeasement. The brutal massacre of innocents, accompanied by scenes of unspeakable horror, should have united us in condemnation and determination to combat terrorism. But shockingly, we have witnessed a worrying phenomenon: a growing sympathy for the perpetrators and their cause.

From prestigious universities to city streets, there is a worrying trend of supporting terrorism under the guise of the “Intifada.” This wave of terror, which is causing countless deaths through suicide bombings and violent attacks, should not be met with tolerance or indifference. Yet we are faced with a disturbing lack of moral clarity and an aversion to evil.

Instead of fighting terrorism head-on, we appear to be avoiding the difficult decisions needed to combat it effectively. The reluctance to acknowledge the seriousness of the threat posed by extremist groups like Hamas only emboldens them further. It is a dangerous game of appeasement that, as history has shown, has disastrous consequences.

Reagan's warning about the dangers of appeasement rings true today more than ever. By appeasing our enemies and failing to confront them head-on, we risk sending a dangerous message: that terrorism works. This is a message that must clearly be rejected if we are to ensure the safety of our communities.

The reluctance to confront terrorism head-on is not just a failure of leadership; It is a betrayal of our values ​​and principles. We cannot afford to capitulate to the demands of terrorists or allow them to dictate our foreign policy. It is time for Western nations to stand united against extremism and send a clear message: terrorism will not be tolerated and those who commit it will be held accountable.

As we reflect on the events of October 7 and the worrying trends that have emerged since then, we remember the importance of standing firm against terrorism in all its forms. Our resolve and determination to combat extremism must not waver for the sake of our security, our values ​​and our future.

May 11, 2024


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