
Prime Video Movie of the Day: The villains are really fun in this action-packed animated film

If you're responsible for little people, you may already know The bad guys: They are the anti-heroes of the best-selling book series of the same name, a series of capers that will hear laughter from children's rooms long after the lights go out. And a film that's available for free to Prime Video subscribers brings them to the big screen in a way – and while it's primarily a children's film, this is a DreamWorks film, so there's plenty for adults too has to offer.

Is The Bad Guys worth streaming?

Yes. It's fast, it's funny, and while it doesn't measure up to DreamWorks' best animated films, it's still an excellent way to keep the kids entertained on a rainy afternoon. It essentially is Ocean's Eleven for kids, with a bunch of silly animals and a bunch of movie references that the kids won't understand but will make you laugh.