
Ben had a “slip” and accidentally voted for Kenzie – oops! [WATCH] – GoldDerby

In the latest “Survivor 46” sneak peek video (see above), Ben Katzman the tribe realizes that he was the one who voted Kenzie Petty at the last tribal council, in lieu of an eventual boot Venus Vafa. But the 31-year-old musician from Miami didn't do this for strategic reasons. Not at all. In fact, he claims his wayward choice of Kenzie was completely random and a “blooper.”

It's day 21 at the Nuinui camp and Kenzie wants to know who wrote down her name. “I’m going to sort this out right now,” Ben announces, somewhat embarrassed. “I’m going to blow my shit up. I drew a blank.” When Kenzie seems confused by this answer, he replies, “That's why I wanted to talk to you now.”

In a private confessional, Ben tells the camera, “Yo, seriously, I'm not lying, I shouldn't have written down Kenzie's name. I should write down Venus's name. I just had a mental error.” He later adds: “I got to a point in the game where I haven't slept and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Kenzie helped me with my night terrors. I was really stunned.”

For her part, Kenzie seems overwhelmed by what she calls a “big mistake.” She says privately, “What do you mean it was an accident, Ben? How does this happen? It's not like it's “Kenzie” and “Kelsey.” They are “Venus” and “Kenzie”. How did that happen? Either you tell a really stupid lie or you tell a really stupid truth.”

Ultimately, Kenzie decides she “won't move forward”…even though she still feels like she's being betrayed by her “island best friend.” Important note: Ben's mistake is actually the first vote she received in the entire game, which isn't too bad of a track record. The promo ends with Kenzie calling Ben an “idiot,” but she’s smiling as she says it – aaaaaahhhh.

Find out how it all unfolds when Season 46, Episode 12, titled “Mamma Bear,” airs on Wednesday, May 15, on CBS. The three-hour season finale is scheduled for the following week, on Wednesday, May 22nd.

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