
America First Legal and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton file amended complaint and motion for preliminary injunction challenging the Biden administration's radical Title IX rules endangering girls

WASHINGTON, D.C – Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed an amended complaint and request for a preliminary injunction with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against President Biden's Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and others to prevent the radical Title IX rules from being implemented Biden administration wreaking havoc on women, children and schools across the country.

The amended complaint:

  • Adds America First Legal clients Daniel Bonevac and John Hatfield as plaintiffs. Bonevac and Hatfield are professors at the University of Texas at Austin. Contrary to the Biden administration's Title IX rules, they claim that they:
    • Not to be forced to use grammatically incorrect or made-up pronouns;
    • Prohibit teaching assistants from cross-dressing while teaching or interacting with their students.
    • Treat a student's absence from class to obtain a voluntary or illegal abortion as an unexcused absence, and
    • Refuse to hire a teaching assistant who has violated Texas or United States law by sending or receiving abortion pills or abortion supplies.
  • Argues that the Biden administration's Title IX rules conflict with the text of the law and relevant Supreme Court cases.
  • Alleges that the Biden administration violated the Major Questions Doctrine by expanding Title IX to serve a radical gender identity agenda.

AFL and Texas have also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to immediately stop Biden's Title IX rule from taking effect. Citing imminent and irreparable harm, they request that the court hearing be completed by the week of June 3, 2024 and that a preliminary injunction hearing be held that same week.

Statement from Stephen Miller, President of America First Legal:

“We call on the federal district court to issue an immediate preliminary injunction to stop the implementation of Biden’s attack on girls and women. Biden's new Title IX rule would force girls in every public school in America to share restrooms, locker rooms and private facilities with men. It would force upon millions of children the destructive and abusive ideology that drugs and mutilating surgeries can reverse a child's gender, turning boys into girls and girls into boys. We are privileged to work with Texas and the indomitable Ken Paxton to seek the urgent repeal of this lawless decree.” said Stephen Miller.

Statement from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton:

“Texas calls on the court to immediately stop Biden’s outrageous, unlawful attack on women’s rights. “Biden cannot violate the Constitution to undermine Title IX protections for women by pandering to the fringe demands of transgender activists,” said Attorney General Paxton.

Read the amended statement of claim here, the interim injunction here and the appendices here.

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