
Israel's war on Gaza live: Mass displacement as Israelis step up attacks | Israeli War on Gaza News

Hundreds of police have gathered on campus, and a few moments ago a police officer with a megaphone announced that this gathering of Gaza solidarity demonstrators and students on campus was an unlawful assembly.

He gave protesters five minutes to disperse and warned them that if they did not disperse they would face arrest and possible non-lethal force, including projectiles, batons, irritant chemical sprays and other violent means of arrest .

The protesters backed away from that police line but did not leave. They don't leave the area. Some of them chanted “shame” as police made their announcement.

As all of this began today, some of the Pro-Gaza Solidarity students occupied a science classroom here on the UC Irvine campus.

At this point, police started gathering here in large numbers. They broke into the student camp, tore down tents and arrested dozens of people. We assume that they have now also evacuated this lecture hall.

University maintenance workers sweep away the remains of the Gaza solidarity camp.

Police officers at the University of California, Irvine [UC Irvine] Movement towards students protesting against Israel's war in Gaza on May 15, 2024 [Mike Blake/Reuters]