
What is the longest film in the world?

Today I want to talk about the ending jokertalk about what made it interesting, what the twists meant, and discuss how this thematically impacted the title. So grab your makeup bag and your rubber nose. It's time to review this interesting film.

joker Spoilers follow!

'Joker'Photo credit: Warner Bros.

The joker End explained

To break down a film like this, we have to go through several phases of storytelling. First, let's look at what happens in the film.

The joker Movie plot

The joker The plot of the film is as follows… It is the story of Arthur Fleck. He is a damaged, aspiring stand-up comedian who lives with and cares for his mother, Penny. To make ends meet, he works as a party clown. The neighborhood they live in is full of crime. Gotham City has many problems and they all seem to affect Arthur deeply. He also suffers from a neurological disorder that causes him to laugh uncontrollably. This requires medication that he cannot afford. That's why he uses social services to support himself and his mother. After Arthur is attacked by some children, his colleague Randall gives him a gun for self-defense.

Arthur has a romantic interest in his neighbor, a single mother, Sophie. He invites her to watch him stand. While volunteering at a children's hospital, Arthur's gun falls out of his coat, startling everyone. Arthur is fired. Depressed, Arthur sits on the subway, still in his clown makeup, and watches three drunk businessmen harass a woman. This causes him to have a laughing episode and draws her attention to him. He gets beaten up and later finds out they work for Wayne Investments. Arthur stands up for himself and uses the gun to kill her.

DC Studios promises to put screenwriting first'Joker'Photo credit: Warner Bros.

After Arthur escapes, he learns that these murders were condemned by billionaire mayoral candidate Thomas Wayne. Wayne calls all of his opponents “clowns” and the protesters respond by putting on clown masks modeled after Arthur, which makes Arthur happy.

But then the social program is crippled by budget cuts, leaving Arthur without the medication he needs to survive and calm his emotions. Sophie attends Arthur's performance and he bombs the stage. Worse, he laughs uncontrollably about it. She's a bit strange.

Arthur tries to take care of his mother. He picks up a letter she wrote and looks at it. It is addressed to Thomas Wayne and states that he is the illegitimate son of Thomas. This makes Arthur angry and he sets out to find answers. He makes his way to Wayne Manor, where he meets Thomas' young son Bruce, but flees after an argument with the family butler Alfred Pennyworth.

The third act of joker Movie

Penny suffers a stroke and is hospitalized. This makes Arthur even more worried about her. And he's worried about the money he needs to help her. To make matters worse, talk show host Murray Franklin has seen a video of Arthur's performance and calls him a “joker”, angering Arthur again.

Arthur sneaks into a private movie theater event and confronts Thomas Wayne, who tells him that he is not his father and that Penny is not even his biological mother. To deny this, Arthur visits Arkham State Hospital and steals his mother's file, which reveals that she was a crazy narcissist who adopted Arthur while working as a housekeeper for the Waynes in the 1950s. Penny then raised Arthur with her abusive boyfriend, who later died in prison. This changes Arthur's entire view of his life, which was a lie.

The catatonic Arthur sets out to ask Sophie for help, but when he storms into her apartment, she freaks out and acts like they've never met before. We remember moments when Arthur had seen Sophie, revealing that Sophie wasn't really there. Arthur is confirmed to be insane and an unreliable narrator.

The next day, Arthur suffocates Penny and kills her for lying to him. Due to the popularity of his terrible stand-up clips, Arthur is invited to appear on Murray's show. He gets a visit from his ex-colleagues Randall and Gary, who are proud of him, but Arthur is already too far away. Arthur kills Randall but spares Gary because he has treated him well in the past. Two detectives chase Arthur, now in a colorful Joker costume, into a subway full of clown protesters, where he loses them. A detective accidentally shoots a protester, inciting a riot. Arthur escapes the chaos and makes his way to the television studio.

The “Joker” ending explained'Joker'Photo credit: Warner Bros.

The joker End of film

Before the show goes live, Arthur asks Murray to introduce him as the Joker. On stage, Arthur tells some dark jokes. After receiving some reaction from the audience, he confesses to the subway murders. He then goes on a heated rant about how society fails the poor and mentally ill and berates Murray for making fun of him.

Murray argues with Arthur, who murders him on live television.

The “Joker” ending explained'Joker'Photo credit: Warner Bros.

So what happens to the Joker?

Arthur is arrested. Chaos ensues as people protest all over Gotham. One of the rioters corners the Wayne family in an alley and murders Thomas and his wife, sparing Bruce.

The rioters then crash into the police car with Arthur in an ambulance and free him.

Arthur, now the Joker, begins dancing to the cheers of the crowd. He then smears blood on his face in the form of a smile.

joker Scene at the end of the film

We get to Arkham State Hospital much later. Arthur has apparently been captured and is now talking to a therapist. He escapes, leaving bloody shoe prints behind as an orderly chases him.

The “Joker” ending explained'Joker'Photo credit: Warner Bros.

The joker Film themes explained

This is a deep film that explores many themes such as:

  • Abuse/trauma
  • Nihilism and anarchy
  • mental illness
  • The failure of the state
  • comedy
  • transformation
  • alertness

All of these elements come together in Arthur's journey from a man fighting for survival to a man who wants to throw the world into chaos because everything feels so terrible and unfair.

What is the meaning behind it? joker Movie?

Well, given what we know about Arthur Fleck, there's a chance that everything we saw never actually happened. We know he has these paranoid delusions after he goes off his medication, as if Sophie was never there.

So there's a very high probability that there wasn't a riot or anything like that because of Thomas Wayne. This could all have been just a fever dream.

The “Joker” ending explained'Joker'Photo credit: Warner Bros.

The joker End, explained

What is the film joker everything about? Well, from everything we have seen, we can conclude that the Joker's wildest fantasy is to kill the people who don't understand and support him.

So if he's running through the halls and being chased, it's unlikely that he actually killed his therapist. It's more likely that he's trapped in Arkham and experiencing another delusional episode. The joker Analysis is popular with critics.

Registered mail People's worldAccording to Chauncey K. Robinson, the film “walks a fine line between exploration and confirmation” of Joker's character and is “ultimately a direct examination of a broken system that creates its own monsters.”

Does the Joker die?

This is a very popular question. In The Batman from 1989 the Joker dies. But at the end The Dark Knight And joker, the character is taken to a mental institution and is still alive. There will be a sequel Joker, which comes out in 2024 and is a musical, so the character will live on for at least one more film.

The “Joker” ending explainedTodd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix on the set of “Joker”Photo credit: Warner Bros.

In summary joker End explained

Hopefully you have a better overview of what's happening in the joker Movie now. It's a deep and dark comic book film that really shows what we can achieve with the medium of film when you let creative people think about well-known characters. Although there is a lot of debate about the ending of the film, I think it's all in Arthur's head and that he dreams of a life where his story matters. In reality, he is just a low-level killer who has been abused by the system.

But I want to know your thoughts and ideas! Let me know in the comments.