
MultiVersus fans are divided over Jason's ridiculously clunky design – Destructoid

Before the relaunch of MultiVersus and its first real season, confirmed Player First Games by Jason Voorhees Friday the 13th would be one of the new playable characters alongside the Joker. Although his inclusion is generating a lot of enthusiasm, there's one thing Jason's fans can't agree on: his design, which is noticeably… clunky.

Jason has been portrayed by several actors in the various Friday the 13th movies, and has always been this tall, menacing figure, typically portrayed as being over 6 feet tall. He is still clearly visible in MultiVersusbut he's now cartoonishly top-heavy and his hands are larger than his head. His design was actually leaked by Twitter user Fumo Leaks ahead of the official reveal, and while there's no proper gameplay footage of him yet, his brief appearance in the cinematic season one trailer confirmed the leak.

Based on reactions on Twitter, some people have compared Jason's design to that of a large stuffed teddy bear with a tiny head. Many others initially wrote off the original leak as a fake because they found the design so ridiculous, while some denounced it as “not Jason” and “looks stupid.”

However, there are just as many who are amazed by Jason's cartoonish size, or at least just find him very funny and not worth getting upset about. My favorite comments include one that describes him as “built like a refrigerator” and one that asks if Jason ate Camp Crystal Lake to get so big. The frequent comparisons to the Kingpin Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse are also hilarious.

Personally, I think that MultiVersus The design is a bit over the top, although I understand the logic behind it. Jason is a big guy, and the team clearly wanted to emphasize that, but that probably could have been done without radically increasing his proportions. Either way, bringing an icon like Jason into the game might get more people to watch it MultiVersus when it launches on May 28th.

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