
Sean Baker is working on another sex worker film after “Anora”.

Better things Actress Mikey Madison goes all out in a raw and revealing performance as a high-class stripper who is in love with and married to the son of a Russian oligarch, Sean Baker's Anora.

The image is one of many in Baker's canon, including starlet And Red Rocket, which revolves around a sex worker. In fact, the filmmaker said at the press conference in Cannes for Anora that “my next film involves a sex worker.”

Why is Baker so keen on the topic?

“It is important to examine what sex work is in modern times and how it is applied in a capitalist society. It’s a job, it’s a living, it’s a job, it’s a career and it should be respected.”

“In my opinion, I speak for myself, I am decriminalized and not regulated in any way,” he added. “It is a sex worker's body. It is their body and it is up to them to decide how they make a living from it.” ”

“There are millions of stories to tell in this world,” says the filmmaker. “If there is an intention of these films, it is to tell human stories.”

“It also helps remove the stigma attached to this livelihood.”

Baker wrote the script specifically for Madison, who mentioned that she ever had a director write a specific role for her. While her Anora finds love, the oligarch's son's family sets out to destroy the marriage.

He also said, “I approached this film in terms of the themes, the scale of power and the power dynamics. And also with regard to Anora, she has her power. She is in control. Even if the world collapses on top of her.”

Baker adds: “In the middle of editing someone pointed out that there were similarities to… Pretty Woman. I grew up in the 80s, Pretty Woman had an effect on me. Maybe it was in my subconscious.” That was important Anora For the director, who goes against the tropes of romantic comedies and tackles a subject that Hollywood usually avoids, the film must be grounded in reality.

Anora received a ten-minute standing ovation at its world premiere in Cannes. The picture is currently 100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with critics.