
Nicotine pouches touted as $5 alternative to Ozempic

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Nicotine pouches are gaining popularity on social media as a cheap alternative to weight-loss drugs, but medical experts warn that the trend can pose significant health risks. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
  • Nicotine pouches are used as an alternative to weight loss medications such as Wegovy and Ozempic..
  • Nicotine is a well-known appetite suppressant, but carries many health risks.
  • The risks of oral nicotine products include stomach upset, tooth decay and certain types of cancer.
  • Experts say you can suppress your appetite naturally by making lifestyle changes .

Instagram and TikTok users are promoting the use of Zyn-brand nicotine pouches as appetite suppressants in a trend dubbed “O-Zyn-pic” – a low-cost alternative to GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.

The content creators claim that the $5 cans of flavored nicotine helped them lose up to 30 pounds.

Although nicotine may help reduce appetite, health experts raise concerns about this disturbing trend and the health risks associated with nicotine.

Zyn pouches are placed between the lip and gum and the nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream.

“Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that can lead to psychological and physiological dependence and withdrawal symptoms when use is discontinued,” emphasizes Amy Reichelt, PhD, Chief Innovation Officer at PurMinds Neuropharma.

Because GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic are very expensive and prescription drugs are only suitable for some people, Reichelt is not surprised that many people turn to nicotine products that are easily available to the general public to lose weight.

It can be very effective as an appetite suppressant.

“Nicotine can affect appetite in several ways. Among other things, it changes the activity in the brain circuits that process reward signals by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters, and also affects the activity of the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin,” explains Reichelt.

However, she is convinced that the health risks are not worth it.

In the short term, she says, nicotine pouches can cause a number of side effects, especially at higher doses, such as:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • dizziness
  • Sore throat
  • Gastrointestinal complaints

In the long term, the risks can be more serious.

“Nicotine can cause acute cardiovascular effects, including increases in heart rate and blood pressure, which may pose a risk to people with underlying cardiovascular disease,” she explains.

In addition, nicotine consumption is associated with an increased risk of strokes and various types of cancer.

A study published in 2022 of 44 nicotine pouch products and two nicotine-free pouches found that 26 of the samples contained cancer-causing chemicals known as tobacco-specific nitrosamines.

“Oral nicotine products mainly contain nicotine, flavors, pH buffers, fillers and traces of toxic tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), metals and formaldehyde,” Reichelt suspects. “Since nicotine pouches are held in the mouth against the gums, research is being conducted into whether these pouches cause periodontitis and gum damage, which can lead to tooth loss or tooth decay.”

A Study 2023 found that nicotine, when repeatedly applied to the same area of ​​the mouth, can lead to periodontitis, the leading cause of tooth loss.

Still, Dr. Danielle Kelvas, MD, general practitioner at the HCG Institute, says appetite suppression can be a useful tool if you're looking to lose weight.

“It helps reduce overall calorie intake by making it easier for you to eat less without feeling restricted or constantly hungry. This can be particularly beneficial in the early stages of a weight loss plan when adjusting to a lower calorie intake can be challenging,” she points out.

However, she emphasizes that it is better to suppress appetite without resorting to medication.

Kelvas recommends drinking plenty of water. “Staying hydrated can reduce hunger, as thirst is sometimes confused with hunger,” she explains.

It is also a good idea to increase your fiber intake.

“High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes can help you feel fuller for longer,” explains Kelvas.

“High-protein foods may have a similar effect by increasing satiety and reducing overall food intake,” she adds.

The way you eat also plays a role. Kelvas recommends mindful eating to curb your appetite.

“If you pay close attention to what and how much you eat, you can better recognize feelings of fullness and avoid overeating,” she explains.

You may be surprised to know that regular exercise is also an excellent way to regulate your appetite.

“Physical activity can help regulate appetite hormones and reduce feelings of hunger,” notes Kelvas.

If you are wondering what foods you should especially eat, Kelvas has many recommendations for you.

“Oats are full of soluble fiber, which slows digestion and keeps you feeling full longer, while apples are high in fiber and water, keeping you full and hydrated,” she says.

You can also eat protein-rich eggs and foods high in healthy fats like avocados and nuts.

Remember to include water-rich vegetables as well.

“Cucumbers, zucchini and peppers are high in water and fiber, which can help keep you full,” explains Kelvas.

Controlling your appetite can lead to weight loss, but it is important to remember that we eat for many reasons other than just because we are hungry.

Reasons include stress, boredom, emotional comfort, and social gatherings.

Kelvas says that while controlling hunger by suppressing appetite can be helpful, it's also important to address and manage these other factors.

She suggests that “building a healthy relationship with food, recognizing emotional triggers for binge eating, and finding non-edible ways to deal with emotions or stress are equally important for long-term weight control.”

It's probably no surprise that nicotine pouches are not a healthy way to suppress appetite and lose weight.

Eating plenty of protein, fiber and water-rich foods and getting regular exercise are healthy and natural ways to regulate your appetite.