
A “Wheel of Fortune” contestant’s dirty answer goes viral

Do you think you would like to be a candidate at Wheel of Fortune? Maybe you should think again. If you give the wrong answer, millions of people on national television will laugh at your statement.

That is what happened to a gentleman named Tavaris this week after his episode of Wheel of Fortune During a quiz, he gave an answer that will surely go down in history as one of the most slippery wrong guesses in the long history of the series.

Above is a picture of the puzzle. It is a sentence. The second and third words are clearly “in” and “the”. So what could it be:?

Take it away, Tavaris…

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Not only is “right in the ass” a dirty answer, it can't be right either! “Right in the ass” has five letters, and the first word only has four letters. Come on, Tavaris!

Pat Sajak's crushing, exhausted “no” is simply the most perfect answer to that question imaginable. (Also: Notice Vanna White's completely straight face throughout the whole thing. She's not selling it at all. This woman is a pro among pros.)

The “right in the butt” moment has already been shared thousands of times online.

Later in the show, when Sajak was introducing the night's contestants, he said to Tavaris, “Well, Tavaris, you've already made an impression on us.” To which Tavaris replied, “I apologize, Pat. I got a little excited.”

There were a few other embarrassing moments on Wheel of Fortune over the years, as is inevitable when contestants attempt to solve word puzzles and must use their knowledge of common expressions to work their way through the possible answers. Here's another famous moment. Not quite as shocking as Tavaris' faux pas, but it comes close.

The correct answer to the “Right in the Butt” puzzle: “That’s the best!” And you know what? From a Wheel of Fortune From the perspective of the clip, that might actually be the case.

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There has to be a reason for her character's absence – usually a sudden death – and the more absurd the better.

Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky