
TikToker apologizes after falsely accusing viral Miami prom students of ruining her car rental

Despite the glitz and glamour of prom, there still seems to be trouble that spoils the fun.

Recently, Miami High School Booker T. Washington became known for its elaborate prom theme, which included costumes from iconic Disney films and fairy tales. One couple in particular dressed as Belle and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, wearing realistic headpieces to complement their attire. Other students chose Cinderella and Prince Charming, and arrived at the event in a horse-drawn carriage.

The videos quickly went viral on TikTok, garnering millions of views and even more comments. However, the Beauty and the Beast couple's joy was short-lived as a TikToker named Meena reprimanded the students for ruining her car. According to Meena, she is a college student who was looking for a new business venture and decided to rent out her car through Turo, a car rental app.

In the video, Meena claimed the students left scratches on the outside of the vehicle, scattered glitter inside, and left “sticky liquid” on the surfaces. She later provided screenshots showing she tried to reach the renter to discuss the damages. The renter agreed to pay Meena $350 to cover the costs, but the TikToker says she was ignored and never received payment.

Of course, the video also gained traction as students responded to Meena's claims. In a video post by @ohdatscita___, students gave their side of the story, clarifying that they did not rent Meena's car. Students provided evidence for each of their answers, from receipts as proof of purchase to refuting the glitter claims as the dress was covered in sequins.


@Meena 🤍 and now bye baby, prom was not even a week ago #fypage #prom2k24

♬ Original sound – 🤣😍

Shortly after, Meena apologized to the students again on TikTok. She claims she received information that led her to believe the vehicles were the same, but understands that she caused problems by addressing the situation publicly. Furthermore, Meena admits she was in the wrong, but clarifies that race did not play a role in the discrepancy as she is also a minority. She noted that both the students and herself received racist messages, the compassion of which she finds “appalling.”

Of course, we are not sure if Meena found the culprit behind the destroyed vehicle, but it is good to know that the students were able to clear their names!


I wanted to make sure I addressed this properly and not make another short video. I feel truly sorry for the young lady. I have definitely learned from this situation and will grow from it. I wish all young women, especially women of color, nothing but success.

♬ Original sound – Meena 🤍