
Lonzo Ball hopes for historic NBA comeback after two knee surgeries

Chicago Bulls guard Lonzo Ball is preparing for a historic return to the NBA after having to undergo not one but two rare knee surgeries. The star guard, who has not yet been on the field, since January 2022revealed in the last episode of his podcast that he is a Meniscus transplantation in addition to Cartilage transplantation which he went through last year.

In an open discussion ball explained: “Long story short, it ended up starting with a torn meniscus. It basically started with the Lakers when I tore it the first time. I tore it a couple more times until there was nothing left – basically there wasn't much meniscus left and bone was rubbing on bone. So the cartilage was gone and the bone was broken, so I actually had to get a new meniscus from a donor. I had to get a bone graft and had to get some new cartilage put in as well..”

Ball's injury Saga comes from the 2018during his rookie year with the Los Angeles Lakers. After several tears and a failed attempt to heal with conventional methods, Ball decided to perform these groundbreaking operations in March last year.

Now I’m back on the pitch,ball explained, reflecting on the grueling 15 months of rehabilitation Trip. “Before that, we were trying to figure out the problem. So that was a lost year. But now we are here.

Fans are nervous as Lonzo Ball hopes for historic return

This news leaves fans on tenterhooks. Never before has a professional athlete returned to sport after such extensive surgery. When ball for the cops On opening night in October it will be a historic moment in sport.

Despite the setbacks ball is optimistic.”Yes, I am firmly convinced” he said when asked about his return. “That's the plan I'm following and I haven't had any setbacks so I expect to play the first game.”

Executive Vice President of the Bulls Arturas Karnisovas confirmed Ball's progress last month, saying: “He is making progress and we will see where he is in the next few months.”

And get this: The ball dunks again! In his podcast he shared: “I can stand up a little nowbut acknowledged that there is still room for improvement. Will he make history this October? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: Lonzo Ball will not give up without a fight.