
Chattanooga Football Club announces new headquarters location | Local News

The Chattanooga Football Club has announced plans for a new, six-story headquarters at 1620 Riverfront Parkway, just a short walk from Finley Stadium.

“Our ownership group believes now is the right time to build something that represents our soccer club. It will also represent a new kind of status for the Chattanooga Football Club. And it will really help us grow, it will help us build an even deeper connection to the community,” said Alton Byrd, CEO of CFC.

The 6,500-square-foot facility will include player quarters, front desk staff, CFC retail space, a rooftop bar and a ground-floor restaurant. Byrd says they're also working on bringing in a physical care group for the players.

Byrd says the club's growth has been incredible. In the past year, CFC has quadrupled its workforce. But this latest addition will benefit more than just the team.

“It will create more jobs. It will create more opportunities for people to get involved with football,” said Byrd. “Not just in football, but in the food and beverage industry or any other area we are connected to. I think there are only positive and encouraging aspects to this project.”

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new CFC headquarters is planned for this summer. Completion is planned for 2026.