
Entertainment News: FIFA 2K25 Leak: 2K Games to Release FIFA Game This Year After Securing FIFA License

Image: Electronic Arts

The FIFA soccer game series appears to be moving from EA to 2K.

According to recent leaks, 2K Games has secured the official FIFA game license and is now responsible for developing a new series of football games. Retailers MohPlay Inc first leaked on Twitter/X: “The partnership is confirmed and 2K will develop a new football game series,” which is consistent with previous rumors that 2K is working on a FIFA game.

Electronic Arts and FIFA split in 2022 to develop football games separately. After that, the former publisher launched the EA Sports FC series while FIFA licensed its brand for smaller football games. However, if these leaks are true, 2K is now in charge of developing FIFA games for the foreseeable future.

Rumours say FIFA 2K25 will be released this year

Insider Gaming Earlier this year, it was suggested that 2K and FIFA were in talks to develop a new football game series together, and a new leak from retailer MohPlay Inc. has added fuel to the fire this week. The retailer claims that 2K is developing “a new football game series” and taking over EA's FIFA game series. EA, meanwhile, will continue to release annual releases for its EA Sports FC series.

EA dropped the FIFA game franchise after negotiations between both parties failed, and FIFA had to license its own brand to other developers for smaller titles. However, it looks like the company is now looking to return to its glory days of annual FIFA games, and believes 2K is the right publisher to do so.

The leaker claims that “FIFA 2K25 is set to launch this year, in time for the FIFA World Cup 2K26!”, meaning fans won't have to wait long for an official announcement from 2K about the game. The Summer Game Fest kicks off in June and will feature previews and first looks at a variety of upcoming games, and FIFA 2K25 could well be one of them.

EA Sports FC 25 is also set to launch sometime this September, giving football fans two solid options to choose from. Three, if you include Konami's eFootball franchise.