
Warhammer 40K: New Chaos Space Marine video is the gateway to heresy

Games Workshop has released a new video on the Chaos Space Marines faction focus and it's the perfect introduction to Heresy.

If you want to learn more about the Chaos Space Marines, there's a new video from GW introducing them. It's a pretty slick introduction, and it covers some pretty sophisticated material, making it perfect to share with new players or friends who might be interested in playing “the bad guys.” But really, it's a recruitment tool for Chaos, so does that make me a Chaos accomplice? You know… let's not think about it, and certainly not tell the local Inquisitor.

Warhammer Community have also put together a nice little primer on how to get started with the Chaos Space Marines. I won't go through the whole thing as you can read it yourself. However, there is a new codex out now so I wanted to quickly touch on where to start with them. So if you are completely new to the Chaos Space Marines you will probably want to start with the codex and the Combat Patrol.

Chaos Space Marines Combat Patrol

Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines Contents:

  • 1x Master of Possession
  • 5x Possessed
  • 10x Chaos Space Marines
  • 10x Chaos Cultists
  • 2x Chaos Space Marines transfer sheets

I have already done a price breakdown for this box. It is actually a good mix of units from the Chaos Space Marine roster. There are classic Legionaries, mutated Taken, the Meatshield Cultists and everything is led by a Master of the Taken. Honestly it is not my favorite Distribution of units, but that's because I prefer Power Armor or better in my Chaos Space Marines. I personally avoid possessed and owned units too – but that's just personal preference. If you're brand new and still trying to figure out which variant you like, this is actually a good distribution. Think of it as a combo pack or tasting round of Chaos units.

Additionally, their Combat Patrol datasheets have been released and are also available for free from Games Workshop, so if you're curious about Chaos, read about Zarkan's Daemonkin and see if it piques your interest.

Next steps (into heresy)

Again, if you are completely new to Warhammer 40,000 and are looking for an entry point for Chaos Space Marines, Buy the codex first. From there, your next step is probably Combat Patrol. Get comfortable with a few games of Combat Patrol and get a feel for the army. These games are fast paced and smaller in terms of point scale and table size – perfect for getting familiar with the basics. After you've played a few games and got a feel for what you like about the army lean in.

Do you like sending waves of Cultists into battle to slow the enemy and capture objectives? Maybe get more Cultists and check out the Dark Apostle and Dark Commune. Maybe you liked the Master of Possession and his way of interacting with the Possessed. Good news: There are even more options for demon possessed to play around with. Check out Obliterators, for example. Or maybe you're like me and really want that awesome Power Armor save. There are tons more Elite options to work with. Chosen, Havocs, and Terminators all spring to mind. And we haven't even touched on vehicles and demon machines yet.

The point is that Chaos Space Marines have a very wide range of options. They are one of the larger ranges in the game. And if you Really If you want to take that even further, you could even try allying yourself with some of these more specialized cult troops. But that's a whole new thing. If you're new and want to play Chaos Space Marines, you've got a long (war) road ahead of you. It's always a solid faction in every edition, so pick your heresy and hang out with those traitors! It's a fun time.

What advice would you give to a friend just starting out with Chaos Space Marine? And remember: don't tell the Inquisitor.

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Adam is a writer, editor, native Texan, and Austin resident for over 15 years covering all things tabletop gaming, including Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, D&D, board games, and anything else involving dice, boards, cards, and a table. As a hobbyist, gamer, and collector of miniatures and games, Adams is currently obsessed with his Death Armies for Age of Sigmar, his Blood Angels and Tyranids for 40k, and his ever-growing Arkham Horror: The Card Game Collection.