
Drake Bell from “Drake & Josh” shares nude photo

From Seventeen

JUST IN: Your Nickelodeon boyfriend, Drake Bell, is super buff and leaves little to the imagination.

The Drake and Josh The star shared his own nude photo on Twitter in February after the image was posted on Valentine's Day. (Best Valentine's Day ever, right?!) After officially joining the celebrity nudestagram club, you might be wondering what Drake did next?

Instead of simply sharing his nude pictures à la Kim Kardashian, he decided to incorporate them into a scene from Drake and Josh.

Remember the episode where Drake and Josh get locked in a treehouse because they forgot to build a door? You'll never look at that episode the same way again…

Can we please take a minute to admire Josh's face in this screenshot? It couldn't be more perfect. Comments on the photo are, unsurprisingly, over 18s only. But they do get a bonus for clever Drake and Josh Word games.

If you want a larger version of the nude photo – for ~research~ or whatever – Drake shared it on his Instagram. I have never been happier to be alive in the 21st century than I am right now.

But the nude drama didn't end there. In the super early hours of Sunday (April 8), Drake was trending on Twitter. Why? Because some hackers have apparently leaked even more nude pictures of him. Some show Bell naked and taking a selfie in the mirror, and others appear to be dick pics. There might even be a video of him (though that's hard to tell these days since people can be so sneaky with editing). Bell hasn't commented on the pictures yet.

Stacey Grant is a Snapchat editor at Follow her on Þjórsárden!

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