
Why you won't see leaked Dave Chappelle clips from the Nairobi show – Nairobi News

American stand-up comedian Dave Chappelle gave a two-hour performance in Nairobi, but no smartphones were allowed in the Louis Leakey Auditorium to document the concert.

Tickets for the sold-out event cost 7,000 shillings, but as has become his custom, Chappelle enforced his strict “no cell phones” rule.

This meant that there were no video clips or social media comments about the course of the show until it was all over.

Attendees of the show were only able to share their experiences after the show. Although this has become a tradition on Chappelle's show, many Kenyans wondered why he did not allow the devices during his live performances.

In an earlier interview with popular American television host Jimmy Kimmel, Chappelle explained some of the reasons behind this policy.

“There are many reasons. First, it became so that when I got on stage, I saw a sea of ​​cell phones. So I knew that whatever I said, I was saying to everyone in the room; which is not an empowering feeling for a comedian,” Chappelle explained.

“Plus, comedians need an element of surprise, so when someone sees one of my jokes, I have to come up with new jokes that I can't think of fast enough,” he added. Although cell phones aren't allowed on his show, you're welcome to use them, but you'll have to leave the theater to do so.

At many of Chappelle's performances, the venue provides a lockable bag for people to store their phones in for the entire duration of the show.

Last year, Chappelle aborted his performance in Florida, USA, after catching one of the participants on the phone.

The policy is also intended to ensure the exclusivity of Chappelle's performances, which may not be recorded and distributed without his consent.

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