
Viral, crying cupcake mom Elizabeth Teckenbrock apologizes

When Elizabeth Teckenbrock shared a short TikTok video on her birthday expressing her feelings as a single mother, she had no idea the drama that lay ahead. After her ex-husband Andrew Cormier edited together her video of him berating her, the internet went wild.

And now, after many of the back-and-forth videos on the subject have been removed by both sides, Teckenbrock has issued an apology.

Elizabeth Teckenbrock apologizes to TikTok

Elisabeth Teckenbrock

More than Elizabeth

Teckenbrock, who received a lot of attention for her viral video of herself baking cupcakes while crying, recently apologized to “the entire internet.”

“I owe the entire internet an apology. And that's what I want to talk about now,” she began a video she shared on Saturday. “Probably not for the reasons you think.”

She said that she experienced a lot of trauma in her childhood. She talked about attempting suicide at 17 and that she needed help at that point in her life, but her parents did not give it to her.

“I don't think I ever really recovered from my mental health issues until now. I've done a lot of work on myself over the last eight months,” she continued. “I'm still not the person I always want to be, or by no means a perfect person, but I'm a strong person, I know that.”

Elizabeth Teckenbrock apologized for provoking others with her story

Teckenbrock said she was aware that her story could have been a provocative experience for some.

“I want to apologize because I know that having to listen to other people's problems is very stressful for many people – something they may also be familiar with,” she said.

“People fighting with each other on the internet, people talking about their family trauma, people talking about their abuse or their divorce, about their children, I know that all of this is very provocative and very problematic. And that's why I want to apologize to anyone who felt provoked or emotionally hurt by the situation.”

She said that she hated that all this drama about her children was played out on the internet and that this was the reason she had not addressed it publicly for years.

“But I feel like I had no choice. I had no choice but to defend myself,” she continued. “I want to say that anything I'm talking about is not directed at my ex-husband. It's just directed at me and how I got to where I am now and the things that happened or even the things that I contributed myself.”

Teckenbrock said her future content will be about how she got here, as well as topics related to mental health, mom content and recipes.

An update on Sunday revealed a change!

Elisabeth TeckenbrockElisabeth Teckenbrock

More than Elizabeth

On Sunday morning, just one day after releasing her apology video, Teckenbrock gave an update on her situation.

“I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their unwavering support during this difficult time. I have spent the morning at the police station and as a result will no longer be speaking about my ex-husband or my children on the internet,” she wrote.

“This has become a very serious legal matter and I politely ask for your understanding and respect for my family's privacy. I take this situation very seriously as the well-being of my loved ones is at stake. This is not a mere spectacle or entertainment, but a real issue that requires the utmost sensitivity.”

She said that she would avoid addressing the “online scandal circulating” in her future content.

Supportive comments came in immediately.

“I pray that your family situation is resolved peacefully. Please take care of yourselves,” one person shared. Another wrote, “Sending you love ALWAYS! I am so proud of your resilience and even more proud of you standing up for yourself while protecting your babies.”

Andrew Cormier has deleted his TikTok page

After sharing several videos with his side of things, Teckenbrock's ex Cormier deleted his TikTok page, leaving only his original merged video and two others.

In his video compilation of Teckenbrock's crying cupcake video, he explains that he has sole custody of their children, that she owes child support, and he makes a number of other allegations.

One of the three videos remaining on his page explains that he has “attempted to use the legal system in the past” and that this “led him to social media” to use it as a “tool to hopefully prevent the next person from being deceived and ultimately cheated on by my ex-wife.”

In a follow-up video, his side of the story is further told.

“In closing, I would like to point out the gross negligence of the 'creators' who are making judgments without first-hand knowledge of our situation and misinforming their followers,” he wrote. “The additional frenzy and mob tactics this has created could be extremely damaging to me, my ex-wife and our children.”

The video of Elizabeth Teckenbrock, with which the drama began, has been viewed over 65 million times!

More than Elizabeth on TikTokMore than Elizabeth on TikTok

More than Elizabeth

Thanks to the original video shared by Teckenbrock, nearly 70 million people were drawn into Teckenbrock and Cormier's personal drama. This short video of her expressing her feelings caused her situation to be shared all over the internet.

The original video received over 160,000 comments! Most of the comments are supportive and understanding, but some are degrading and lead to even more drama thanks to Cormier's jab.

“My mom was a single parent for most of my life. I saw her cry when she thought no one was watching. You are so important. So much respect for you,” one person wrote.

Another person wrote: “You are doing great. As a single mother of three beautiful daughters, I can relate to this so much. Seeing your children happy takes the edge off the pain. You will cherish this moment. You are an amazing mother!”