
Delaware shooting victim ‘frustrated’ by SCOTUS gun ruling

Megan O'Donnell Clements (courtesy of Megan O'Donnell Clements)

Clements and her friends were at the festival and escaped unharmed. Since surviving the shooting, Clements has fought for gun restrictions in Delaware and nationally as part of groups like Moms Demand Action.

After the shooting, Clements suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, she said. She has written a book about how she overcame the grief and sorrow that plagued her.

A collage showing Clements' bloody knees as he fled the mass murder at the Las Vegas country music festival in October 2017, as well as images from the night before the rampage. (Courtesy of Megan O'Donnell Clements)

“I couldn't even go to a grocery store without looking for an exit or looking at people differently,” Clements said. “You look at every person you pass differently, and there's no sense of affection, security or stability in your life anymore.”

Clements' bloody backpack, which she carried the night of the 2017 Las Vegas massacre. (Courtesy of Megan O'Donnell Clements)

Friday's ruling was the result of a court case that began with a Texas gun shop owner challenging the ban. Military veteran Michael Cargill argued that the Justice Department had wrongly classified the accessories as illegal machine guns. Cargill was represented by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a group funded by conservative donors including the Koch network. While Cargill's lawyers acknowledged that bump stocks allow for rapid fire, they argued that they are different because the shooter must use more force to keep firing the weapon.

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have enacted their own bump stock bans. Delaware banned bump stocks and similar devices in 2018, making the purchase, sale and transfer of these devices a crime. The state has initiated a buyback program. A spokesperson for the Delaware Department of Justice says they are reviewing Friday's court decision. The legislation that state lawmakers passed does not define bump stocks as “machine guns.”