
A toddler's heartbreaking ballad about dinosaurs in love goes viral: “Totally sobbing”

A three-year-old’s original song, “Dinosaurs in Love,” is breaking hearts around the world.

Her father, singer-songwriter Tom Rosenthal, often encourages his daughter Fenn and her older sister Bess to come up with their own melodies. However, this song, which is titled “Adele level” by at least one person, is Fenn's first solo song.

“Fenn, my almost four year old daughter, recorded her very first solo song today. She came up with the lyrics herself and I helped her a bit with the melody. It's called 'Dinosaurs in Love,'” he tweeted.

The song starts off pleasantly, describing how dinosaurs eat people and then fall in love. They then have a party where they eat fruit and cucumbers. The song takes a turn when there is a big bang and the dinosaurs die without saying goodbye, after which most of the people start sobbing.

Even the Natural History Museum was touched and tweeted: “We are not crying, you are crying.”

The father of two told BuzzFeed News that the song came about after Fenn came to him with the idea and it developed naturally from there. The dinosaur theme was surprising because she had never shown much interest in them, he said.

“I really can't tell you why she wanted to do a song about dinosaurs,” Rosenthal told BuzzFeed News. “She has no particular connection to dinosaurs at all. They're not something she's particularly interested in or not, it was just what was on her mind at the time.”

With over 3.5 million views, most would agree it's a real hit. All the attention was unexpected, but Rosenthal isn't too surprised because the song is “powerful.”

“I know what a beautiful song sounds like and I thought, 'That's a really beautiful song..' And it is quite effective because you have a little [almost] “A 4-year-old is talking about things dying, and there are so many things dying in the world right now,” he said. “I think it's just kind of a heartwarming example of the moment.”

Spotify got wind of the hit and asked if Fenn would be interested in a official release date not yet. Since the song went viral, Fenn seems to be giving the people what they want. Rosenthal announced that the song will be released on Spotify, so you can add “Dinosaurs in Love” to your saddest playlist. All proceeds will go to a wildlife charity, he said.

“What a strange, strange life!”