
Muslim UIC student calls America 'cancer' in viral video, netizens say 'go and never come back'

A Muslim student at the University of Illinois Chicago has come under fire for calling America, the American government and democracy a cancer, adding that they have spread their disease around the world. The student was identified by news channel MEMRI as Mohammad Nusairat. Although the video has now surfaced, the speech was reportedly delivered during a sermon on May 3, 2024.

Muslim student at UIC calls America a ‘cancer’ in viral video (@MEMRIReports/X)

Nusairat's LinkedIn profile states that he is pursuing a Bachelor of Science – BS, Data Science with a concentration in Computer Science at the university. At the recent sermon of the university's MSA – Muslim Students Association, he said: “America is the cancer. America, the American government, secularism, democracy, capitalism, these are cancers that have spread their disease all over the world – in America and the Middle East. In America, over here, people have freedom – as I said commit zina [fornication] But if you express your opinion, it's a problem.”

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“Now Muslims have had enough of this cancer. They have had enough of the American government. They have had enough of democracy. They want a new way of life. And as Muslims, we have to understand that we have this new way of life,” he also said.

He added, “”[The Messenger] was sent as a grace for all humanity. He was sent out of grace. Why? Because the way of life he brought will bring that grace. The way of life he brought will bring that peace, to Muslims and non-Muslims. Non-Muslims don't have to worry about the problems that worry them now. They don't have to. Because Islam is a just religion that has been imposed on society.”

“Go and never come back”

Nusairat's speech, which went viral on social media, has drawn much criticism. In the video above, one user commented: “Then leave. We don't want anyone in the US who hates our country. Leave and never come back.” “His scholarship and student visa (if he has one) must be revoked immediately,” said one user, while another noted: “Why would someone who is sick of America live in America? Does anyone know why?”

“If they can't adapt to the American way of life, its laws and rules, those who don't feel comfortable in the US must be deported to their countries of origin. It's that simple. If they don't agree with it, they must be deported,” wrote one user, while another wrote, “I want them to go far away and leave us alone!” One said, “They should go back to where they came from.”

Also featured in the same video is student Musab Kazi, who said in a sermon on April 26, 2024 at UIC MSA that the liberation of Palestine will not be in the hands of America, Congressmen or Senators, but in the hands of the Muslim nation. He further said that “strong Muslims” capable of saving Masjid Al-Aqsa “from the hands of the oppressors” are “sitting in this room in front of me right now.”