
Illinois University student calls America 'cancer' in viral video | World News

Mohammad Nusairat, a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), said in his speech: “America is the cancer. America, the American government, secularism, democracy, capitalism – these are cancers that have spread their disease all over the world – in America and in the Middle East.”

Muslim student at UIC called America a 'cancer' in viral video. (Image credit: X)

Springfield: A student at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is facing criticism online after a video of his anti-American speech went viral. Mohammad Nusairat, a Bachelor of Science student at UIC, made harsh comments about the United States, the American government and democracy, calling them “cancers” of the world.

In his speech, Nusairat said: “America is the cancer. America, the American government, secularism, democracy, capitalism, these are cancers that have spread their disease all over the world – in America and the Middle East.” He also said: “Muslims are fed up with this cancer and they are fed up with the American government.”

The speech was given in May, but the video recently attracted a lot of attention on social media, with many users of the platform “X” criticizing Nusairat for his comments.

Nusairat, who was identified by Washington-based news portal MEMRI as a student of Muslim descent, also spoke about the Islamic way of life. He said: “Muslims are fed up with this cancer. They are fed up with the American government. They are fed up with democracy. They want a new way of life. And as Muslims, we have to understand that we have this new way of life.”

He continued: “The way of life [the Messenger] brought will bring this grace… Non-Muslims no longer have to worry about the problems that worry them today. Nor do they have to. For Islam is a just religion that has been imposed on society.”

The incident came amid growing student protests on college campuses in the United States and Europe, centering on demands that universities sever ties with Israel or companies that support its military actions and calling for an end to what they describe as genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.